General Discussion

General DiscussionIs being an atheist like being a vegan now?

Is being an atheist like being a vegan now? in General Discussion



      Before this gets, eventually, locked, I have to ask.

      What exactly do those have in common?


        Which are you?






              neither but as ive seen, vegans have to let everybody else know they are vegans, seems like atheists do the same


                Only in 9gag tho, at least for me


                  But 9gag has always been filled with retards so we can just count them out


                    Ironic since its always religious people trying to shove their beliefs down other peoples throats

                    Hatsune Miku

                      god is real !!! he will punish you noobs




                          If that's how you feel about them, you probably spend too much time in the Internet.


                            he heh, he heh

                            casual gamer

                              being a vocal anything is like being a vocal anything else, in that you are vocal :thinking:


                                did u know that I don't eat meat?
                                no Kappa I don't.
                                well u didn't so it doesn't seem like I forced it down ur throat.

                                Cheap Laugh Guy


                                    Well some say atheism is almost like a religion itself so perhaps they are similar in that regard

                                    Savvy Cat

                                      I don't know if this has any relevance, but over the past couple weeks of Dota, people on my team keep asking me if I was a nihilist. I didn't even know what it meant until I looked it up a couple days ago.

                                      True story.

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        I just turned into a full vegan not more then 3 months ago.

                                        It's mainly because I do more research on animals and get to know the process of it before they become my food.

                                        Sorry for broken English


                                          You're not supposed to tell ppl that licetea u r confirming the stereotype!


                                            In every community there are always a 3% who makes the other 97% look stupid.

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              lmao wut rly

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                why the 3/97 ratio


                                                  Anyone that is an atheist is a noob at life? Even science has proven God exists. now. If God's existence can be proven, what is one dumb human telling people he doesn't believe in God? :? #Noob

                                                  Also, vegans eat what animals eat. So,,, vegans are taking away the food from the animals we normal-eaters eat.


                                                    1-IceTea full moron 3 months ago; lol, now why do you still play dota?

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      Even science has proven God exists.

                                                      Interesting claim chap. Would you care to elaborate?


                                                        Even science has proven God exists.

                                                        Source or it didnt happen


                                                          How can you tell that someone is vegan?

                                                          Don't worry, its easy.

                                                          When you offer them meat they will say "no thanks".
                                                          Then you ask a bunch of questions to which they reply politely.
                                                          Then you get upset about it because you know its right and feel like bad.
                                                          Then you go to the internetz to post a meme about how a damn vegan shoved his opinion down your throat.

                                                          AND this way the "dont worry they will tell you they're vegan" meme was born

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            ^nice strawman

                                                            seen a vegan comic recently that had exactly the same narrative



                                                              "Even science has proven God exists. now. If God's existence can be proven, what is one dumb human telling people he doesn't believe in God?"

                                                              It's true. My pet crocodile said so too. Anyone who says otherwise is a dumbass.
                                                              Next, science will prove to us that virgins can have babies too, and that turning water into wine requires a simple shrug of the shoulders and of course, a chalet of water

                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                there it is


                                                                  ^my friend, this post is beyond the miserable (and quite frankly, insignificant) plight of vegans.

                                                                  nobody gives a fuck about what they say.

                                                                  "Even science has proven God exists. now. If God's existence can be proven, what is one dumb human telling people he doesn't believe in God?"

                                                                  Now that my friend, that's the headline


                                                                    this saying was invented from fat muricans that are too lazy to give up cheeseburgers so they make vegans look bad to have an excuse to not become vegan themselves.

                                                                    smart people become vegan now, in 30 years meat will be so expensive that you cant afford it anyway

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      yea dude thats exactly wehats happening here


                                                                        to have an excuse to become vegan themselves.


                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          btw i recommend checking that comic(vegan artbook) if ure into that shit

                                                                          its pretty much vegan assigned male except with less retarded agenda and more logical fallacies


                                                                            the problem is you can't prove or disprove most gods as they're labeled ''existing outside reality'' meaning they're as provable as russell's teapot.

                                                                            and for the thing if people shoving their beliefs down your throat is just human.

                                                                            your beliefs really depend on how/where you were brought up, most people atheist/theist or vegan/non-vegan don't care about other people's beliefs on their own.

                                                                            vocal people will be vocal about their beliefs no matter what.

                                                                            same way someone denounces vegans, same way i'll denounce dunning kruger kids on dota.

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                              atheists can make good memes


                                                                                get out sheeps
                                                                                gonna do a BBQ evening in my house soon, whos in?


                                                                                  im in


                                                                                    before this gets closed, for those who want proof God exists:
                                                                                    look for more miracles through google. as God has said, Only miracle he left for humanity's all time is Quran.
                                                                                    CBA to explain more. most atheists are atheists because they don't bother researching or because religious people are crazy.



                                                                                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                        ^orrrrr, people who wrote the book took the extra effort to count the number of word repetitions to make it look "miraculous".


                                                                                          again, research my friend. research. just takes one google to see how old the book is, and you can see very old ones in museums and all are the same and non edited. nearly 1400 years ago people could barely write let alone write something so complicated.

                                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                            this thread went from 0 to hilarious pretty fucking quickly

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              lol There are millions of copies of the Qur'an, don't tell me it has been consistent for all the years it has existed. If people were that meticulous then we'd be gods. It's not like there was this one gigantic Google Doc that writers over the years compiled, so that everything remains as it was

                                                                                              When I say "science", I mean EMPIRICAL evidence ie I can actually SEE the evidence or HEAR/experience the actual "voice" of God. Not some shit a bunch of enthusiasts cooked up

                                                                                              there is no god = 12 letters
                                                                                              there is no god = 4 words
                                                                                              12/4 = 3
                                                                                              3 = number of points in a rectangle
                                                                                              rectangle = used to represent the Holy Trinity
                                                                                              representain of the Holy Trinity = symbol of the illuminati
                                                                                              illuminati = there is no god because the illuminati are just people

                                                                                              Behold my mathematical miracles that I have discovered and used to support my argument

                                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                Drop of Sperm (nutfah) 12


                                                                                                  im agnostic btw!!

                                                                                                  if i had to choose a religion it'd be islam, 100%


                                                                                                    actually i might convert to islam soon because


                                                                                                    im edgy


                                                                                                      there are millions of copies, go see for yourself if they are any different. or, you know, just google....
                                                                                                      I'm not going to defend Quran and God because they don't need my defending. You ask for signs and proof, when you have them theyre "shits a bunch of enthusiasts cooked up" .
                                                                                                      the link i gave you was just the mathematical miracle. google "miracles of quran proven by science" . it even says Earth and planets are round and floating in orbits (1400 years ago)

                                                                                                      there are many more aspects of miracles. the social miracles (eg, women rights 1400 years ago)

                                                                                                      meh this is why i don't argue with atheists. believe don't believe, just don't act cool and call us crazy while you know nothing about religious people.

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