General Discussion

General Discussioncan i...

can i... in General Discussion

    support and climb? is it possible?


      Yes, obviously


        yes but it will be a lot harder and take longer and you have to be very selfless and play pos 5 like PPD. PPD said that if the support hero you picked needs more than magic wand/brown boots/wind lace to be viable in the game, then u have picked the wrong support for that game. ppd never buys anything but support items. u have to gank and tp counter gank and only buy wards smokes and tank ganks all game to win, but nobody wants to do that


          yes but you need to be good at it. being a good support is harder then being a good carry imo

          bro tip: if you die consistenly more then 10 times as support you need to change something ASAP

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            If your support means you stay in the lane and help your carry deny creeps and do nothing else, nope. otherwise, perhaps, depending on your perception, zoning, ganks. If you can squeeze out your heroes' with just a boots + magic stick for 20+ minutes(unlikely in this meta with those bounty runes), you should be fine.


              A lot of 3k think supporting = buy ward


                You kinda need to be god tier support to be able to climb effectively.


                  Lol the only thing that held me in 3.5 is supporting

                  mr. rabbit

                    yeah its really great esp if ur pos 4 roamer

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                    Potato Marshal

                      I can count on my two hands the times I actually tried to farm and last hit in a ranked match since I was low 3k. You can climb mmr in any role.