General Discussion

General DiscussionBounty Hunter Semi-Carry

Bounty Hunter Semi-Carry in General Discussion

    Is bounty hunter position 3 no longer viable at all?

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      Usual roamer > right click >= agh > dagon


        I'm sure Daddy's echo sabre offlane BH build should be okay for him, paired up with his lvl 25 talent
        Carry BH doesn't work because he doesn't really deal that much damage, his mobility and gold source is too gimmicky for him to be utilized as pos 1
        Not to mention he fucking sucks at camp clearing and tower pushing

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          Maybe not position 1, but position 3?


            Offlane utility semi dps core seems fine to me

            Potato Marshal

              They kept raising bh mana costs. You really need arcanes if you want to spam track and remain invisible at all times, which is infinitely more valuable than doing a bit more damage with jinada.


                Replaced Phase with Arcane and BoT with Guardian Greeves. Should it be more or less viable now?


                  when was bh carry viable tho?


                    By carry I meant as position 3 in place of position 4 as it is played these days.


                      a right click bounty hunter becomes a monster with 1 sec jinada cooldown. You run him somewhat like an enchantress in the way that he transitions from being a roamer into being a major damage dealer. He just doesn't jungle like ench which means your early roaming needs to be effective and you need to win early to transition well. I usually go phase perserverance deso into battlefury and now you have no problems farming.


                        Battlefury omg! I remember how when I first started out with dota it was on the recommended items list and I was told never to build it on the hero :P


                          it's pretty good advice.

                          Potato Marshal

                            It's an awful outdated gimmick build if you want to dick around in 0-2k mmr matches


                              im ust going to say it now. right click bh can work, it just requires getting to level 25. Anyone that argues that having a 1300 damage crit every other attack is bad needs to learn dota. It's also definitely less and less viable the higher mmr you go.

                              Potato Marshal

                                Literally everything works in 1k mmr. Having your entire build revolve only being useful at level 25 is just stupid.


                                  Just like in League of legend which is easy to play unlike Dota 2, he's some sort of assassin who loves to sneek up on low hp heroes like Nyx assassin meaning he's might be a carry but a nuker, support, disabler, initiation and roamer hero.


                                    look it's not like your absolutely useless until level 25. Your still hitting pa level crits with deso bf. Your just hitting them every six seconds instead of every second. your a pretty good pusher and you can easly roam around getting solo pick offs.


                                      also diox your wrong

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        Level 4 jinada crit is less than a level 1 pa crit. And you are useless as a roamer with this build. I don't even know how you can argue that bh is a good pusher.


                                          Carry bh is dead before he even touch the enemy.


                                            I'm speaking from my expirience and in the games I have played my build has not felt ineffective. I still play like a 4 position bh for the early game, I just play extremely greedily and build towards my playstyle after that.

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              Again, you're 1k, literally everything works at your level. Spamming track and getting shuriken bounces at a safe distance is infinitely more useful than running up into melee range to do slightly more than double damage every 6 seconds.

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                I am going to put bounty on hold for now till I am able to manage the tough support build >.<



                                                  here are my games. The ones from 5 months on are the ones after 7.00

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    A long, long time ago bh was a carry. You could still play him like this I suppose. This was when abyssal was like 100 dmg not the vanguard extension it is now.



                                                      Yup Dire Wolf, thats the time I used to play him as carry and have immense success.
                                                      Especially during the -armor meta with medallion and deso followed by the dagon build. Kind of fell off getting astounding results on that hero after that >.<

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        I don't think it was actually good I was like 2k then I actually don't even know it was before ranked. I built battlefury on every hero then.


                                                          Battle fury

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Riki carry is probably a lot more viable. He scales really well with agility and is more mobile.

                                                            ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                              it's called bounty hunter. he needs to kill


                                                                Carry BH doesn't work because he doesn't really deal that much damage

                                                                that is not true, he deals an assload of dmg.
                                                                his problem is that he is very kitable and extremely squishy.

                                                                btw I got a rampage with my dank bh build.
                                                                the build is pms phase midas solar echo deso.
                                                                bkb, blink, are 2 situational items, sometimes needed.
                                                                luxury items r like ac, butterfly, mkb, hex, skadi, maybe even satanic.


                                                                  DO MY BUILD GUYS

                                                                  MIDAS GREAVES BASHER BUTTERFLY SKADI BLOODTHORN ABYSSAL (LINKENS/BKB)

                                                                  TAKE EVASION AT 25 WITH BUTTR YOU HAVE 50%+ AND YOU HAVE EVERY HIT CRIT WITH BLOODTHORN NO NEED JINADA TALENT

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                  old man

                                                                    ive never play carry bounty my whole dota career yet ive no problem at outputting damage. bounty is about creating pressure and having advantages with track kills, and all you need to do is staying alive. carry bh is undeniably strong but yea hes squishy compared to other carries

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      50% evasion doesn't mean jack when enemy has mkb.

                                                                      That carry build seems weird cus you have so many non dmg items. Echo, linkens, skadi. I thought the point of bounty, well dmg bounty, is too 1 shot supports on the backlines. Although supports are kind of squishy anyway so maybe this accomplishes that regardless.

                                                                      But what I envision is, you need some kind of mobility other than stealth cus late game they'll gem or ward cus obviously you're a big threat to the squishies. So I am thinking blink. Phase boots for that speed and dmg too. Then deso, abyssal, bloodthorn, daedulus. Why abyssal? For that lockdown. You stealth up outside of sentry range, blink onto a carry, jinada him, abyssal him, bloodthorn him and he's a gonner. So what if you die at that point, you just 2 shotted the carry.

                                                                      ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                        the one who said he doesn't give much damage, go and check his talent free and skill again. 120extra damage and critical strike 225% every other hit at level 25 is insanely high damage. not to mention the damage from shuriken and shadow walk.


                                                                          My irl friend did this shit rofl


                                                                            The build I had been working on goes like this -
                                                                            wand,orb of venom,arcane,urn

                                                                            situational - blink,ethereal,butterfly,bloodthorn


                                                                              I buy deso and solar crest and the point of echo is burst, u can crit, hit, crit, with solar on any squishy and ur huge 120 dmg talent that's a kill.
                                                                              the skadi, linkens is situational, and u shudnt buy too much of that.
                                                                              skadi helps if u need to kite heroes who are tanky and don't die to ur initial burst and also when u r extremely squishy.
                                                                              linkens is to help u not get jumped on.
                                                                              I think this build shud go blink to cover that mobility problem u mentioned, probably after deso or lvl 20 talent or smth.




                                                                                  my right clicker BH with 100% win rate.


                                                                                  Get basilus, urn, raindrops early to spam invis and track.

                                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                                    These build suggestions are getting worse and worse, what's the point of echo if you don't even proc jinada twice?


                                                                                      Potato Marshal did you look at my build?

                                                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                                                        Dagon was pretty much the standard nukes build for a while but I don't think people even go for that anymore.


                                                                                          Why not?

                                                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                                                            Because bh is best played as a roaming pos 4 ever since they lowered track cooldown to 4 seconds and made shuriken bounce.


                                                                                              Dude echo sabre makes it so that u can crit, hit, crit at lvl 25 in 3 hits someone is dead. Dont underestimate the amt of dmg he does with deso and a solar crest on top and with that 120 dmg talent. Echo also gives mana regen which he lacks.

                                                                                              Savvy Cat

                                                                                                You should go play against an unfair bot Bounty Hunter. They build Medallion, Desolator, Orchid, Phase, BKB, and build talent wise to right click cores into the dirt. I don't know about the build being viable, but it sure hurts the pride when you can't out carry a Bounty Hunter in bot games.