General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help suggesting good hero combo in lane

Need help suggesting good hero combo in lane in General Discussion

    To make things short, our Mid is good, but our lane sucks. We are party of 5. I play pos 4/5 any kind of heroes. The other 3 are total newbies. The hero they can play are these:
    -sniper (bot/top)
    -enigma (jungle)
    -axe (bot/top)
    -mk (pos 1/2 dont ask)

    So what is the most suitable support for me to pick that can combo with the above list so that we can stomp enemies/kill them/make them suffer in lane.


      Kotl and warlock are absolute aids to lane against


        Wtf with this (bot/top) thing


          Try ck-lion or ck-cm, they rekt.
          Or ursa-cm for ez win vs melee heroes

          Story Time

            lich and viper combo :) try it offlane


              offlane bb + kotl lvl1 mana + cd reduction ability

              go safelane viper lich offlane bb kotl and whatever mid u want magnus isnt bad for lich ult + kotl nuke


                If you are playing with noobs, you should pick something with good disables... Like Lion, Shadow Shaman or CM perhaps... Even a noob can hit a disabled dude. The problem with these heroes is that they are all quite squishy, so if you get jumped you will die and your noob lane mate might not be able to help due to their noobness.

                One really strong lane is Shadow Shaman and Ursa... You cannot mess that up (ok, I've seen this get messed up against a single melee hero, I was playing on another lane, but I think they fed an Axe really hard. Don't know exactly how that was possible, but it was).

                If you are playing in shit tier (like I am), an offlane of Spirit Breaker and Huskar is quite nasty and simple to play. Spirit breaker stuns and Huskar adds burning... That is a shit load of damage and the typical safelane carries aren't usually the most tanky heroes in the game...