General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to naga?

How to naga? in General Discussion
Rektdalf the White

    Any tips how should my hotkey setup look like - for example should I just go 2,3,4,5 for mirror image+talent illu and then 6,7 for manta. Or should I add any grouping hotkey inbetween?
    Also what should be my cs aim? -atleast in 1v0 PvE scenario. For example I just got flat 1k cs in 47 min, then my creeps finished their ancient, if I forced attacks on creeps on each illu, instead of just using radiance burn to kill em most of the time, I believe I might have gotten around 1,1-1,2k.
    Any other tips regarding farming, hot keys, and naga in general are highly welcomed too.
    Thx guys, much obliged.


      hero that should be deleted after techies


        PvE is stupid, you shouldn't maximise your cs that's actually a bad way to play the hero, focus on farming enemy jungle whenever possilble and only go full wave cutting when enemy tries to push. My naga isn't super good but you should have minimum 4 control groups, 1 for each illusion and hero. Earlygame I like to split my control groups into two groups of two because two illusions can tank camps without setting off the spell and you can usually kill a camp with just 1 illusion to tank for you, as soon as I get radiance I separately hotkey each illusions. I also have a seperate key for manta illusions, one for all illusions and ofc one for everything at once for amoving buildings.

        Items I think in safelane you generally go arcane->talon->raindrop->radi, midlane is usually better unless there is a hero with really good wave clear like lina/sf. In midlane you go bottle->talon->raindrop->radi. Go for a casual wind lace after radi, try to prioritize harassing enemy heroes/scouting/stealing enemy jungle over just afk farming as your team mates will need farm too. Try to keep your illusions alive as much as possible, imo this is the difference between good naga players and disgusting ones, each illusion is like a seperate hero that they keep alive to burn you.

        Talent wise I see people go mana->attack speed->str->extra illusions. I like net talent a lot personally because with octarine it has a ridiculous uptime but I'm probably doing it wrong.

        Item wise after manta/octarine usually some combination of butter/diffu/heart/skadi works. Eblade is also really underrated on the hero imo on a short cd to burst people you've chipped away at with illusions and it gives you the valuable self-ghost which helps a lot vs bkb heroes.

        Ten komentarz był edytowany
        enalffo dog

          I play decent naga at least on my bracket you really dont need hotkeys for the illusions. What i do is use 3 for select all other units which selects all nagas aparat from ur hero and 4 for all units. U just need discipline in splitting them (like splitting manta illusions then skill illusions next) u should try practicing using shift+deselect method for faster splitting time as you can do this while they're all running to a location.

          In a game a 10 cs per minute is actually already really good but u should try and get 60-80 cs at 10 mins u should build the rad 17-20 if u can do it consistently. When splitting each illu try move then shift attack since smart attack doesnt really work in illus i find this a problem but it should work.

          Some tips in using naga song;

          If you want to save teammates song before tping so when u tp it insta sleeps the people around.
          Song is really good to isolate BKB heroes and to set up combos.
          U can song at roshpit if u wanna secure aegis or steal it roshan is unaafected by it.

          Though im just a 4k scrub some other guys should have better tips and it really all comes to practice on when u should farm or fight.


            i don't think you need controlgroups, you can get by just fine with tab unless you're trying to reach a meracle-level of naga


              turn on autoattack, have hotkey for each illusion including manta and illu rune, have hotkey for all illusions as well.

              if possible go into enemy jungle and from there send illus to all spawning lanes

              Mask of Maldness

                Matumbaman, wags etc use the TAB method to split up illusions so I'm not sure what everyone above is necessary


                  i tried naga, dead hero until you play 5 premade
                  probably used only 1 hotkey to pick out all 3 illusion, to send illusions i use tab
                  but i just warn you that naga is not winning pub games, pro games maybe, pub not


                    Are you serious, the hero owns in pub games because you can literally carry 1v9 no matter how brain dead your team is especially because you need to be co-ordinated to deal with it.

                    Small Song

                      It seems seriously hard to go high ground with illusions anymore with the game as it is...


                        NagaShiren the ultimate pusher is my favorite hero. Usually I use (Shift + double click method) to set my illusions to the lane and jungle farm (2 illusions push lane +1 farm on jungle) the 'main' can choose wants to push or just safe farm.

                        my recommendation Naga (radiance + octarine + keeper of the light) = 1000 gpm