General Discussion

General DiscussionPatch 7.06

Patch 7.06 in General Discussion

    Yup, frankly i'd really like something to put him out of the broken concept zone due to his ult.
    That's so frustrating to play against that ult, yet depending on how well he is in the game, he always end up either totally useless, or fucking the whole world

    Dire Wolf

      You can't look at most picked cus duh supports will be picked more cus the first two picks are always supports, and typically the same 3-4 heroes every tournament cus they have the least counters, are op or just versatile. Look at CM, really versatile, can roam or jungle or support a lane, aura is borderline op, great ult if you have setup for it. It's not cus CM is a better hero than other carries, it's cus she is flexible and fits in any lineup and doesn't really have hard counters. Magnus picked a ton too just cus RP is really strong right now and he fits most lineups. And he can mid or offlane so more flexible.

      Also you pick two supports every game so of course they'll show up as more picked compared to hard carries who only get one pick per game. They should already be picked twice as often.

      I don't think that lan stats page is updated either cus it says void went 0-5 but VP picked him yesterday and won.

      But going on what we have, lycan picked only 6 times but 5-1 he's safe lane in pro games pretty sure, not ever jungle or mid, at least no games I watched. Weaver did pretty good, 55% with 9 games, dunno if he was safe or not. Sven only 42% but literally only one game off cus picked 7 times, 3-4. If he was 42% with like 20 games played that'd be more telling. Same with morph 4-5.

      Only bad showings are like jug 9-13, PA 3-7, AM 3-5, Troll 4-8, Tiny 1-4. But some of those guys go mid sometimes. Luna was shockingly only picked twice and 0-2. Drow not picked at all.

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        white boy summer

          terrorblade's meta damage is now bonus damage instead of base.
          magnus' empower is now 15/20/25/30/40% cleave/damage amp
          treant nerfs for sure
          buffs to all the other rarely touched carries since illu spam was the name of this tournament aswell

          Dire Wolf

            terrorblade's meta damage is now bonus damage instead of base.

            That would DESTROY the hero, complete garbage if they do that. You're talking about cutting his dmg roughly in half.

            They should just nerf his starting armor a tad and maybe drop dmg on reflection, like 40/50/60/70% dmg or something.

            And we know icefrog loves to nerf talents so maybe they do that as well.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              wow that ta, slark, riki, spec winrate. hmmmmm


                thank god troll has a shitty winrate


                  i dont think slark is that op, unless its the perfect draft for him

                  obvious that he has a high win rate, if the game isnt good for slark they just pick a different hero.


                    axe and windranger also have 83% winrate , does it mean these heroes need nerf too?


                      high pick +high winrate are the broken ones

                      Dire Wolf

                        some pro things are hard to quantify as well, EG picked wr as support and won 4 matches, twice with the same draft actually. Egs a good team and didn't pick her when they got knocked out vs og so naturally she'll have a higher win rate.


                          Please don't hate my CM please she lacks stats so a nerf would kill her :(


                            We just had a patch within the last month. Why would they already do another?


                              because the major is over

                              GRANT MACDONALD

                                Cm works in the proscene until you try her in a pub, PA throws a dagger at her and kills her


                                  or you ult while the other team tries to rosh and get an ultra kill


                                    CM gets more and more broken as you play with ppl who are more and more like monkeys

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      CM is 57% win rate under 2k, and 53.49% in 5k, steady drop of 1% every bracket but that is still amazingly strong. She's 11th in win percent in 5k. She's a GREAT pubber, especially since she is a support who can farm easily with w on creeps and her damage talent. Easy to pick up gold on her.


                                        Maybe if teams tried picking an LC against terrorblade they would do better. Press the attack counts his illusions as heroes. One press the attack cast wipes out like 1000 of their hit points.

                                        Or pick an axe and aggressively lane against the TB. Call is long enough to get him low HP and a low HP TB who would usually sunder can be culled by Axe instead. The Axe cull had a shorter cast point than sunder - I know cause I tried to sunder and Axe once.

                                        Like honestly if TB is aggressively contested in any way (like he always is in my games) then he ends up under farmed in early game and can't transition into out farming the enemy as quickly as he does when he receives no aggression. Conversely the few times I've had a free farm TB game have also been the times when it's been an easy win for me on him.

                                        But he is in no way an auto win like a hero like spectre.


                                          you mean overwhelming odds, press the attack is legions heal.

                                          Mike Wazowski

                                            I hope an invisibility nerf, I see in each game everybody with shadow blades.

                                            Il Separatio

                                              @SUKIN SYN Don't nerf supports laning stage please (Wind Lace) :(

                                              Pale Mannie

                                                I hope an invisibility nerf, I see in each game everybody with shadow blades.

                                                have you considered buying dust?

                                                Il Separatio

                                                  @Murranji , Nerf Terrorblade's Metamorphosis duration to 35/40/45/50 (2 seconds less on level 4)

                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                    I am certain my baby CM will get some kind of nerf, in which I will spam Omni in response despite how dreadfully slow he feels.

                                                    Arc has to be getting some kind of nerf. Not sure if this is a bug, but his Field counters MKB. If you are outside field, and have MKB, your hits will not go through.

                                                    Not sure who will get buffs. May be a huge talent remake and we go from there.

                                                    Lycan might get a minor nerf, if not, he should be spammable for ez games.


                                                      arc diserve a nerf, but he will get either a buff or untouch; his field doesn't counter mkb though, unless it's on building (but mkb doesn't true strike on building).

                                                      However the double field has some weird bugged interaction that make it give 0% evasion, that bug should be adressed

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        magnus rp cooldown increase to 180s (added talent 15% cooldown reduction on lvl 20)
                                                        also - drow ranger is gone, need some buff (i guess they will raise all talents)
                                                        undying needs rework cuz its worst hero in game atm (ult aura become passive with some bonus strange/stats/move speed etc,, somehow change ult)

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                          spectre's haunt must deserves some cd or duration nerf but not both

                                                          [RR53] RR

                                                            @Dire Wolf

                                                            cus the first two picks are always supports

                                                            Actually first two picks are almost never two supports.


                                                              drow is unpicked cuz spec is rlly popular, not cuz the hero is ultra terrible.
                                                              also drow group pushing strats r heavily nerfed by shrines and the tower armor change, its not a problem with drow directly as it is a problem with the state of the game.
                                                              also lc was picked a lot, and axe can just get completely zoned by tb with meta lvl 1. he uses shrine, and by second meta usage axe shud be out of the lane. at least I think.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Ok support and offlane, but rarely mid or safe

                                                                Il Separatio

                                                                  Spectre 6.55 nerf: Haunt cooldown increased to 150/140/130

                                                                  Il Separatio

                                                                    @Road to Crippling Depression , Healing Salve's exist LUL

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      However the double field has some weird bugged interaction that make it give 0% evasion, that bug should be adressed

                                                                      bubble so u are in it and they are not, then when that one is about to expire, make new bubble that overlaps you and them. then you keep 100% evasion in the new bubble even with them in it unless they fixed it


                                                                        AA buff

                                                                        Huskar buff pls

                                                                        Terrorblade nerf into oblivion

                                                                        LISAN AL GAIB

                                                                          AM buff...
                                                                          Luna Buff...
                                                                          Inv buff...
                                                                          Arc Buff Cookie Lulz...

                                                                          Jugg i cant think of 10 games i didnt saw the fucker...
                                                                          CM nerf...FeelsBadMan...
                                                                          Magnus Empower nerf that shit for fucks sake...
                                                                          TB Illusion or Meta nerf somehow...
                                                                          Puck could receive a nerf but meh...

                                                                          Titan's soul in thailand

                                                                            keep buffing ET he is still not strong enough, i which a gold talent level 15 -> +120g


                                                                              AM buff

                                                                              Kwisatz Haderach

                                                                                I don't think particularly any hero deserves nerfs tbh. At the Kiev Major, there was no clear 1 strat that was better than others or 1 hero that was better than others. If any hero looked op, it was because of the player/team- not the hero. Every team was playing their own style more or less. High winrate carries like Slark and TA were picked in perfect situations and late in the draft. Crystal Maiden/Waifu winrate was good because as mentioned by casters and analysts it just gives the team a faster tempo with the mana regen. And her frostbite is finally a good disable after the root mechanic changes. If the meta shifts she will be picked less again.

                                                                                However, there are some heroes that need a buff:

                                                                                1. Oracle: Been out of the scene for too long. Maybe nerf the retarded nuke combo but please make him a better support overall. Lvl 15 talent on Oracle is +60 gpm and Phoenix has +150 on the same lvl? SeemsGood Nothing to see here OSfrog

                                                                                2. Huskar: Not viable at all anymore. Though I don't like the hero very much it is always good to have different playstyles possible.

                                                                                3. Arc warden: OG and Liquid both tried to make this hero work and failed. He can be a cancer in pubs though. Only team I have seen that made him work well is Empire- good enough to earn respect bans. He does not need huge buffs- maybe some better talents? And the bugs need to be addressed as well.

                                                                                4. Chen and Enchantress: Both have been hit hard since the jungle rework in 7.00. They need something big to compensate for that. Also one interesting point:
                                                                                Hand of God heals 200/300/400 on 160/140/120 sec cd and 200/300/400 mana
                                                                                Howl bonus hero HP 50/100/150/200 (double at night and half values to controlled creeps) on 55/50/45/40 sec cd and and 40 mana
                                                                                and it give bonus dmg on top of that. Lasts 13 sec.
                                                                                How is this balanced? UncleKnox

                                                                                5. Tidehunter: Please bring him back. I just want to see that hero in pro games. It gives the absolute best highlights or fails in the game. Like Enigma.

                                                                                6. Razor: Boring hero but I think it's inevitable he will be buffed again till he is broken. Much like what happened with Lina in 7.04.

                                                                                7. Invoker: This one is tricky as with any high skill cap hero. The best Invokers in the world started losing games with him - check ~45% winrate at Kiev major. I don't think he needs major buffs. Just some minor buffs and he will be fine again.

                                                                                Also some hero reworks maybe? I believe these are up for contention:

                                                                                1. Bloodseeker: A hero countered by 50 gold tp scroll.

                                                                                2. AA: I think every spell other than his ult is at best situationally good. Not many reasons too pick him. Too weak in lane.

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                Enjoy the show!

                                                                                  buff invokers def blast , hero is so weak after the change to def blast not being a strong desable , hero is useless aftes bkb's come out


                                                                                    Dazzle rework. One of his skill change to stun


                                                                                      I think Chen will come back as relevant once again. Ench is rather weak. About juggernaut, how do you nerf that bugger now...nerf items??


                                                                                        Why would you nerf a poor cm? he's a slark food *insert sarcasm*


                                                                                          When is the patch coming out? Been waiting for a long time

                                                                                          Fee Too Pee

                                                                                            Pls do not buff AM. Or split pushers heroes. I do not want a games when teamfight does not even matter win or not. Just split push mega creeps , nope , only frustation comes from that

                                                                                            ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                                              rework the riki aghanim. it's useless

                                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                You know what's useless? Riki's Smoke apparently...

                                                                                                ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                                                  the smoke is fine. it was like that since i played dota 2. of course the slow rate is shit initially and need orb to add the slow


                                                                                                    Ft git gud u schrub
                                                                                                    Objectively speaking AM is one of the most dogshit hero in the game right now

                                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                                      I would love to see doom buffed, maybe drop his bat to 1.8 and give him a couple base armor. Then he'd probably be really good.