General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you play a roamer/ pos.4?

How do you play a roamer/ pos.4? in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    Game start - 01:00 ?

    01:00 - 05:00 ?

    05:00 - 15:00 ?

    15:00 - 30:00 ?

    30:00 - end ?

    The roaming playstyle seems very different compared to your traditional lane support. Most of the time I see pro players doing "nothing", scouting for the team and stuff.

    Right now I struggle to have an agenda when playing as a pos. 4.


      Just help the lane that need your help the most and can make space with you later on
      You're not playing pro games where vision is very valuable or utilized properly


        Random scouting, secure runes, initiate fight, bully jungler (if they had), some jungling if the hero can... that's it, I think. The hardest part would be initiate the fight, I'm still learning that part. And only roam till like 15-20 minutes, after this generally people will ganking anyway to take tower quickly.

        Basically you need to get involved in a lot of fight from the start.


          Your ultimate goal from min 1 is to help your team to destroy the enemy ancient before the enemy team destroy yours.




              Cookie has good training and strategy for newbie roamer


              it's CM that can jungle though.


                i did a creepblock on midlane when the game started,then proceeds to kill the enemy mid ,idk a good start i guess

                Savvy Cat

                  The only position I can play with any decent win rate is position 4. It differs with every game, but one thing remains the same, get a Bottle as your first item between 2-4 minutes. And then up the courier and buy a defensive tp.

                  No matter what happens, be level 6 by 10 minutes and always keep vision on the enemy mid, because if they gank and kill a lane, then they're probably doing your job better than you're doing it.

                  And no, I don't think the position 4 is always the initiator. Where you position yourself seems to have the highest priority in the game, therefore, I believe counter initiation is a position 4's highest priority.

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                  Chao Vritra

                    cookie CM guide