General Discussion

General DiscussionSo to all those people who told me "spectre isn't meta"

So to all those people who told me "spectre isn't meta" in General Discussion

    This month her pick rate is up 2.79% - third highest behind only Lina and Bristleback, and up 0.74% over the past week behind only Bristleback.

    In other words people have picked up on how strong she is again just like how I raised 3 weeks ago and was told "she's not meta/she's countered by meta heroes, she's weak etc etc".

    I particularly remember Arin calling me a "retard". He'll eat those words.

    Feels good to be proven right.

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      u are a retard literally every single post of urs is ur "zeus+spectre= autowin xd" circlejerk

      its not even a circlejerk because ure the only one posting about it

      one syllable anglo-saxon
        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
        not arin

          i've called you a retard several times but it certainly wasn't because of ur opinion that spectre is meta
          too bad that ure like 1k in reading comprehension


          not arin
            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

              I honestly preferred your topics about how Bloodseeker was never picked in the proffesional scene, even when I always wanted to kill myself whenever I read them.

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                We never said Spectre was trash, we said your Zeus+Spectre ult combo was not as amazing as you try to make it out to be.


                  ugghh...... ipapatim ti ammum ngem tabbed ka mut

                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                    You're a bitter little boy aren't you?


                      What is up with this kid and stats. I thought you quit. The zeus spectre thing is cheese straight from my asshole

                      Putins Price Hike

                        spectre is good cause you play bad ppl who let spec free farm


                          LK Zano I've given up on Bloodseeker ever being decent again. Icefrog has shown that he has no plans on making the hero strong since all of his buffs are around his unreliable nuke/silence.

                          Arin I never did anything to you or called you names etc. You were the one who started it. Nevertheless I'm not ashamed to say I was right and you were wrong.


                            meta is in what's picked in 6k+ and pro games
                            not dogshit normal skill

                            ILC - Lethal Ninja

                              meta for 2k maybe different from 3k and 3k maybe different from 4k. even 8k maybe different from pro player.

                                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                  Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                    Spectre is just a broken pub hero, like WK/Aba/Necro, you can just mindlessly pick her in every game and you will have a winning surplus with a high chance.

                                    Meta isn't a thing, when numbers come into play and the impactfulness of the hero.

                                    Spectre is broken after she gets Radiance. Pub games are fucking long, games tend to be thrown, thus she almost always gets a chance to farm up that Radiance, even after sucking cocks in lane like 0-5-1.


                                      spectre's definitely viable. but if i recall your whole thing was about spectre+zeus. and as pointed out, both need to be viable in the meta before you see it, strength of combo aside.


                                        the point still stands. you don't just look at the winrate and say, oh that shit's broken. thats such a shallow analysis. omni has been broken for a long time then.

                                        whether spectre or spectre zeus combo eventually becomes viable, you'd still be wrong because of the underlying assumptions you've been making to justify your theory.

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                        not arin

                                          bloodseekers one of the strongest heroes in pubs, lol.

                                          how do you play against that retarded build where you get dagoned for 1500 in 20th minute along with silence for 600
                                          and what are you supposed to do against him on mid when he rightclicks for 150 with qb in 3rd min