General Discussion

General Discussioncookes strict crystal maiden pattern to win almost any 0-4k mmr game

cookes strict crystal maiden pattern to win almost any 0-4k mmr game in General Discussion

    but its awfully boring to play some premade strategy that someone else thought of that you might not even like that much.


      i think id rather random out of tilt and flame my team when we are in the position to make mega creeps at 20 minutes yet my teammates go back to farming jungle instead of ending the game.

      either that, or ill get some easy mmr winning 20 minute easy stomps while randoming.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        end, no one is forcing you to get free mmr

        for all i care you can stay 2k forever

        1-IceTea 🌟

          only to the fact that people up to 5k don't punish jungling
          that's why 1 rice flea is 5.1k

          Puck you cuki,I muted 4 of my teammate when I play,I killed roamer that dare come to my realm even they come as 2,I won game that start with 0-7 negative score,I don't make space for my team,I take all the space and all the creep if possible AHAHAHA


            because pushing towers doesnt make space?


              when i pick cm, i do whatever, aura should make team win anyway!


                i suppose this IS the most simple way to secure an early advantage, and i WILL do this kind of thing just not with cm.

                so is it viable to do this position 4 jungling if you are not a cm but start with iron talon instead?


                  This is how i get my 90%winrate brood


                    yea like i've said i made this pattern for multiple heroes, all you gotta really do is make sure to execute those ganks and if ganks arent possible (there's no game where ganks aren't possible on at least 1 of the 3 lanes) you either go jungle a bit more or you just annoy their carry and take his tower, ward around the t2's and hteir jungle, gank if they leave the safe areas

                    now they're only taking 4 camps and 3 creepwaves while your team has their whole jungle.

                    because when a teamfight happens at 10+ minutes, it's way easier for you to win it when yo uhave glimmer + blink on cm VS only having tranquils

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                      dont wanna be bragging about it but this :

                      i did make some rotation mistakes. like i used q and w in less than a sec difference, and i ganked mid first as it's my habit. i think if i rotated offlane to kill the brew @ min 4 when he wasnt 6 it definitely was better than ganking lc mid with strong dispell. also i didnt do the "spam everything on carry" thing since i was not sure of it the carry was am he had magic resistance he had blink and if my mana was low i wouldve just killed myself. i did do a lot of good shit too but i guess i got confused

                      also gyro drum aghs and slark offlane XD


                        what on earth can a brown boot antimage do to a crystal maiden at 5-6 minutes

                        that moron rushed a bfury, that's something you wanna shit on his face for

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          is jungle support nyx ok? he can farm camps kinda fast with talon and impale

                          also wd or necrophos?


                            nah, you need things to farm way faster or be able to bank on it harder.

                            nyx isn't bad if you can somehow get lvl 6 before 6 minutes

                            mr. rabbit

                              @koala guy not one to talk since i dont play cm but i think u underestimated ur hero

                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                I have my own method called "Use logic, and ignore cookie" Works well.


                                  @cookie can you made a tb one too?


                                    This is obviously legit CM trick as a CM player myself can tell since this is what i've been doing it has at least 60%+ win rate if you don't suck you'll get around 80% win rate you control the whole map yourself and the game it self now how to shut down this CM is quite simple make CM tilt tho it the game CM's team is doing good so it's so hard to even defend a tower Get Someone to gank CM and make him tilt (tho it doesn't guarantee a win since CM's team is farmed now and you're probably shit just shut down CM as early as possible)


                                      cats how does that work out for you with mmr= games played


                                        i didnt even check am's build and neither necro's and brew's! That's the basic thing i always do like twice each min. Seems like i gotta spam some cm to get comfortable with all the aspects

                                        Pound Town Express

                                          Well, first game was a success. Everything went pretty much exactly how you said it would, Cookie. Although I will need to have some more games with this to verify its consistency. It was a 3.7k average game:

                                          I must say, the +60 damage talent on CM is really good for pushing towers early :)

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            NORMAL SKILL??????????


                                              lol shouldve read thid more carefully before testing it. i played my own maiden only did the first 4 min farm as u said. ganked mid frst offlane second when he had 6 as brew. didnt go to am at all to pressure and get tower. and the rest is obvious

                                              Player 404335202

                                                Snowballed early game AF ! But my team splitfeed xD and i lost ! 3k carries never listen .. They loves farming


                                                  Gud shit to win early game where patterns work. But mid to late game is kinda hard to control as a support. No?


                                                    Don't make it longer than 30 minutes chance of winning decreases the longer the game

                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                      did cookie's patterns with a mix of my own as spirit breaker, confirmed that offlaners in 3k bracket are stupid as fuck, this magnus just died once creeps met at the lane to me slark ogre then died again after he tped

                                                      meepo was kind of difficult to gank because he kept on rotating to jungle but all we needed was a smoke. kinda cool that ogre was coordinating with me

                                                      game extended for way longer than expected though, we failed one rosh attempt and one highground push, wouldve been lethal for sure if enemy wasnt already tilted at that point; 30 mins in our team already has 51 kills over them!

                                                      mr. rabbit


                                                        stuff i didnt like from the game: we never got to gank jugg, all we managed to do was kill his cm/wr over and over again after we 0-3'd magnus. it was almost impossible to gank him without being shat on by cm/wr so we just killed them instead

                                                        also after the lv1 kill i was still lv 1 because 3 ppl shared the kill xp. there was a huge amount of dead air, maybe pulling and jungling till lv 2 can fill this gap?


                                                          actually if the enemy carry is a jug/naix/ursa etc what then the dropping top tower becomes impossible and if u go to other lanes to rape, others will rotate. optimally we would wanna force rotations then take their carry's tower. but not just carry but in general, what if not only u cant disable their cores hard enough but also u might just end up feeding. what then? the example is exactlt a hero like lifestealer

                                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                            cats how does that work out for you with mmr= games played

                                                            You bore me. :sleeping:

                                                            My growth will continue and go nonstop until I am six-feet-under. :smile:


                                                              I just couldn't read it all..


                                                                This works for sure :)


                                                                  was watching 6k+ average game on bulldog stream. cm jungle for a few minuts at start, all lanes lost except bulldog solo win the offlane with his furion.


                                                                    don't worry about that

                                                                    6k+ can actually use the map when the enemy has a jungler instead of a ganker

                                                                    you'll never see that before 4k


                                                                      cookie is my cm good ?
                                                                      last game


                                                                        tldr. if jungling i think ill use the 1icetea lycan MLG strat.


                                                                          lycan jungle is whole world different than cm :)


                                                                            good guide and makes sense , may cause a confusion to most players cause its a huge wall text but its very detailed and easy to pull of imo
                                                                            2-3 k players can take the advantage from this guide for sure


                                                                              honestly just playing cm in my mmr is a free win...


                                                                                I love the guide - will try it in solo queue. However, I feel like MK is a much better pos 4.


                                                                                  mk early game has been considerably nerfed


                                                                                    quack quack im a cat


                                                                                      i miss ur quacks on dbuff discord


                                                                                        Ofc he has been nerfed - but he is still good. They nerfed his early game impact by a few damage points. Still great roaming support that can turn into bashlord late game.


                                                                                          I'm really interested by this guide.
                                                                                          This is close to what I have done when I started spaming CM but better.

                                                                                          Negative Mental Attitude

                                                                                            they are going to climb ez with a premade strat but if thats the only way they can win they wont become better players

                                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                            Story Time

                                                                                              i think there are several heros that fit the guide. was there a point just to teach people how to gank?


                                                                                                No. This is pretty much a strict guide on playing Jungle CM in 2k-4k. Problem is, once you get to 4k on just this guide, its bye bye MMR.

                                                                                                GRANT MACDONALD


                                                                                                  Screwed up first hard camp but still ez win. Team flamed their last pick sven incessantly. Welcome to 2k shitland


                                                                                                    nah, i can do this in 5k-5,5k

                                                                                                    it's just that the rules for ganking change after 5k+

                                                                                                    Chao Vritra

                                                                                                      thank you cookie, i like CM but always forget to utilize the jungle, usually just babysit my carry or try to roam early. Gonna have to play some tonight.