General Discussion

General DiscussionA question for AM

A question for AM in General Discussion

    Since the TP nerf, and the 7.0 update for jungle creep spawn times. Would it be a good idea to go travels over treads in some games.
    I honestly have too many times where ill push a lane, TP to another and split-push, farm a couple camps and my TP is still on cool-down and then i am out of room to farm till another lane gets pushed in or creeps spawn, and preferably do not want to spend much time in the enemy jungle, but i am worried ams early game would be even worse without treads to the point he'd be useless for even longer, or if he gets caught out it would be too easy to die.
    It might seem small but something iv'e been pondering on for a bit.


      Been wondering the same. The only thing I'm worried about is running out of mana and having to depend on shrines/base. I remember being an extra-scrubby fuck way back when I never used to tread switch and run out of mana on AM right between/before teamfights.
      Also, I really, really like the early stats that Treads give him, but I definitely understand your point, been facing the same problems as you.

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        Just tried it out, Pms, brown boots, battle fury into bots. Early game felt way too weak and the offlaner was able to push me out way too easily as soon as the in lane sup left. If it is an uncontested lane id go bots, but i think am need the treads. Mana wasnt as much of a problem, and if it was id buy infused raindrops if i felt i had to rely on shrines.
        It was alright though, i had to go linkens after bf though so that slowed my farm down a bit, i believe if i was able to go normal build i would have gone out of control for the fact i can farm the whole map too quickly early game

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