General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Leshrac?

How to Leshrac? in General Discussion

    I played Leshrac but it seems he's out of meta or it's just me got nice aoe magic damage pretty much can clear illusions but the thing is he's way too low hp should they buff hp gain or basic str? Anyway how to play this Magical Unicorn


      he seems to be played as a niche roaming support with some split earth set up or skill he can do work
      max split earth and edict and skip ulti until both other skills r maxed. skip lightning for last, it is a crap skill.
      he can also be played mid, tho in this case u need to tank up and go fast bloodstone, and snowball hard.
      mainly picked for edict's huge pushing power.


        ^I played him as a mid doesn't do nice against SF since can be dead with 3 raze and a few right click so early bloodstone against right click heroes is kinda bad so i got veil eul and octa instead

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          As mid pos 2 you get bloodstone always
          How is more HP bad to anything

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Lesh isnt in the meta yet
            Better play Lina


              there only difference is 50 health and 9 regen and 200% mana regen +1 each charge wherein octa gives you spell life steal and i think that's better than 9 regen and for the mana regen you get + 25 int and 1 mana regen (25 int = 1 mana regen)

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                The price is 1000g apart if I remember
                We want a lot of regen 1 or 2 isnt enough
                Octarine's true value is in CD reduction which is sth you dont want on Lesh early because you have long cast time and you wont cast much

                Bloodstone on Lesh is actually like a Battlefury on AM
                It lets you spam nukes to farm faster
                Also it's first core bloodstone giving you regen
                A first core octarine no
                First core euls isnt enough too

                Unless you have other damage dealers in team then maybe yours can do like a utility Lesh pos 3
                Octarine is like the last core item to let you rambo


                  Oh~ Thanks i didn't notice the difference in price a 1k gold diff is huge


                    How to support Leshrac?


                      support lesh goes smth like urn and euls for split earth
                      just mix in mana regen items
                      as lesh support usually the goal is to eventually transition into a core, but that's the late game failsafe


                        he is pretty good as support. just stacking low cost mana regen items.

                        combined with a dark seer you get nice vacuum-wall-split earth combos, and you get a support that can help take objectives fast

                        Fox McCloud

                          Safelane carry as a counterpick to Timbersaw.