heroes with great impact in game, I think
1. Invoker as Nuker
2. slardar/spirit breaker as roamer
3. Orge magi/dazzle as support
4. Axe as tanker (durable)
5. Anti mage/ Naga Siren as Ultimate Pusher
from this line up, you have all u need to battle (nuker,carry, initiator,durable,support,healer,pusher,disabler etc.....) hahahaha
I like scalling supports.
Warlock spirit
Elder spirit
Monkey spirit
Breaker spirit
Venge spirit
Dazzle spirit
Enigma spirit
Earth spirit, monkey dong, slardar, bounty, rubick, lion, mirana, venge
this is a fine list but i wouldnt recommend mirana unless u have a clue
Don't all heroes impact the game? I mean dazzle seems passive but one well timed grave can turn a team fight. And cm people say doesn't scale well but one good ult late can win the game. Lich people say is weak and falls off late but he can dominate a lane so fully early pushing your team way ahead.
silencer, earth spirit (high skill needed tho) pudge (roam) mk (roam) cm roam shaman roam although he sux he is fun to disable ppl with
Antimage needs to be 2 items ahead of the enemy team before he can have some "impact" and he doesn't do much until he gets his core items which is like 25 mins into the game ,and pretty sure ratting and finding some pickoffs at min 30 doesn't really count as "great impact" (at least that's what I think, since I think what OP asked for are heroes that can do stuffs influental things in the early to mid game,p
how does making your team fight a 4v5 after you picked off a poor support, not count as "great impact"
and ratting shifts the whole dynamic of the game because if the enemy committed 5 heroes to push and your team is holding 4 heroes to highground defense, which is easier with shrines, you can take an entire lane of buildings just with ratting
whether early, mid, or late, mana burn is still the most influential thing next to damage
spirit breaker is awesome right now
all the common roamers like riki, pudge
enigma...1 good blackhole late game and rax are gone for sure
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Pos. 4 or Pos. 5 heroes that have great impact on the game