General Discussion

General DiscussionIs the new max calibration true i just cant believe it like shit omg...

Is the new max calibration true i just cant believe it like shit omg i got down to high skill rly fast T-T in General Discussion

    Someone plsssss gimme proof because im really confused now @-@


      3.5 max


        just be like me. be happy when you get 3k calibration :)


          I mean realistically a new player would never xalibrate 3.5k+ unless it was a higher player's smurf

          And if youre already higher, it doesnt matter as you could easily stomp some 3-4k scrubs


            why are you even complaining op? you float around normal skill and high skill
            lol even if the max calib is 3.5, you will probably calibrate around low 3k


              drink bleach


                i suck now because of my teammates WTF

                they completely throw the fucking game like at the pick they'll be like wtf did you do why pick that hero and someone says hey gimme tango your a support do your Fucking job then if he didnt give tango wtf he'll throw the fucking game omfg it was so chilling in 4k avg
                i was in vhs then that update came out then this happens OMFG

                Someone plsss gimme some tips for carrying or being a good support for this fucking teammates

                i just need 1 great tip that will help me improve my gameplay around this avg.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  Whoever mentions the fault of the system, his teammates, acc buyers, smurfs etc. doesn't have the mental capacity to leave his bracket.

                  Sorry bro, nothing in the can help you get out of that bracket, buy boosting or switch to another game

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    Im currently smurfing. I just hit Very High Skill so I think it isn't true.


                      I think you lost your VHS rating because you were playing bad lately.


                        Your first 20 games were rated Very High Skill. But seeing your KDA alone gave me the impression that you do not have what it takes to remain at Very High Skill. Your hidden MMR maintained at High Skill because that is the skill bracket you deserve. I suggest you improve your gameplay.


                          goodness gracious you guys are stupid, yah, you can still get vhs in unrank games, but when you play your calibration games (rank)
                          the max mmr you can get is 3.5. The first game may have an average above 3.5 but on your 2nd game, it will be capped at 3.5


                            I'm 4k but I don't think i deserve to be in 4k :X



                              dude maybe you just played with someone that has 4k mmr wtf



                                your in a party maybe your friend has 4k that got you to vhs

                                Ghastly Wail

                                  I'm with bws.
                                  Drink Bleach.


                                    I'm you before : flaming retards and batshits throwers until I realize that you should reflect also on your mistakes that err what you could have done better in-game. lol


                                      i suck now because of my teammates WTF

                                      ROFL XDDDDDD


                                        You suck because you suck lul

                                        Jugg only.

                                          same thing happened to me
                                          i was calibrating at 5.2k now 3.5k lul


                                            Lol. Look at my KDA. Browse my other games before the party games. I am placed at Very High Skill Solo. I am being placed at High Skill/Normal Skill Party because I am partying with low 3k players.

                                            Jugg only.

                                              i was at VHS now that i am at 3.5k its HS. jesus


                                                Well as to what Tasaina said. I would gladly accept being calibrated at 3.5K because that would mean higher win rate for my account since I can easily pubstomb til low 4ks.


                                                  So I guess it is real nrbs. Lol. I browsed you matches. Almost all Normal Matches were placed at VHS til you played Ranked.

                                                  Chao Vritra

                                                    i have like 40 abandons on my smurf, i feed a lot, i go afk a lot. And I still get VHS games most of the time.


                                                    My main account is doing horrible right now dont really want to blame other team mates but i have been getting queued with some undesirables lately...

                                                    If you are a really good player I think you can climb out of a lower bracket, however anyone that blindly says the system is perfect and you belong where you are at i think are not 100 percent right. Because I certainly do not belong in HS/VHS on my smurf and most of my games are there, whereas my main games are usually normal, every once in awhile high, when I usually try harder on my main (though I have been playing really poorly lately).


                                                      So the real cap was 3.5K right?


                                                        Lord Beerus. Trying calibrating your smurf account then tell us where you are placed.


                                                          Have you tried calling the wambulance?

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            u can have whatever unranked mmr the game gives u

                                                            my unranked mmr was 5322. u can do the math on ur first calibration using the avg mmr of ur team and ur teammates mmr


                                                              @lendess yep that was the old calibration mechanic. They set the cap now to 3.5K

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                yes but hes saying he has high skill in unranked. lol

                                                                ur unranked mmr is not changed ever. only lowered to 3.5k for ur 2-10 calib games


                                                                  Im back at hs now i think XD



                                                                    dude your really lucky XD

                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      Would love to calibrated at 3.5 then I can stomp games till about high 4K where I will have to meet tilted shitters till I went into mid 5K

                                                                      also jdf8

                                                                        im still a tilted shitter actually


                                                                          @I'm thinking right now

                                                                          dude how you get vhs the new max calibration is 3.5k how ???


                                                                            Reading comprehension is hard

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              my first game was 5k avg

                                                                              here the first ranked game it gave me, someone dodged lol

                                                                              now i wll have 9 ez 3k games


                                                                                You're not good enough to carry a bunch of 3ks so you deserve that mmr.


                                                                                  Geez now 5k people don't have to feed their 10 calibration matches to shitstomp noobs
                                                                                  But I'd rather get shitstomped by 5k than playing with a bunch of overcalibrated smurfs