General Discussion

General DiscussionJust sharing some thoughts(Nothing important xD)

Just sharing some thoughts(Nothing important xD) in General Discussion

    It seems like I've been spamming or most of the time I pick Skywrath these days IDK Y THO? hahaha weird.

    How about you guys some weird shit happening to you guys?

    doc joferlyn simp

      im losing the pangs of instinct in my game to go to an internet cafe and play dota, maybe because i know i suck if i dont play for a long period of time, or maybe because my fam doesnt approve of it. maybe both


        I get into the habit too of spamming a hero for a few days, then I change to another one and do the same thing.


          I tried to expand my hero pool
          Ended up saying "fuck this fuck the meta im going back to my nigguhs" everytime

          Ryan Gosling Fan

            I win all my games as Medusa but After 800 games i cant play her anymore, its too boring


              I wanted to begin spamming necro, someone else calls it, ends up failing and i along with our carry venge carry his ass, i was offlane.


                how do people spam heroes, it's so fucking boring.

                doc joferlyn simp

                  ^ikr. i cant begin to fathom the mental capabilities (or lack thereof) of the 6k slark games and his equally retarded mirana spammer friend


                    I think it would be interesting if valve just only allowed people to play all random and just see all the 4k people that only play two heroes just fumble around like they've played the game for a month.


                      I wish we could still customize our hero selection layout. You could give yourself 20-30 options of heroes to play and sort them in a way that made sense for you and made it easy to see a hero that might work better than what you had been planning on playing.


                        I have been spamming Skywrath as well lol. I think im like 10-2 With him this patch.