General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do i counter ratting

How do i counter ratting in General Discussion

    So my last game is going great we manage to mega creep 2 lanes lanes but we can't still control the map because ember and sf keeps on ratting and we can'tt anything about it. Any advice how to counter this annoying strat?


      Keep tp scrolls with you , you fucking have 9 slots but you wont keep a tp with you?
      Again you have nine slots , you can also have fucking dust. Its not a support's job to keep a dust. It only cost 180 gold.
      Well if they are ratting then cut their creep waves and try to pressure tower and force them to come back or go one push when they start to rat.

      Ghastly Wail

        Ratt faster.


          I always do and at that game i have travel but can't keep up with them because they rat on seperate lanes.


            It's a team effort to counter these sort of strategies. 1 person alone can't do much really, it requires coordination and communication between the players. Use your headset in these games and give it a shot.

            Best of luck


              @Supergligi i don't know but whenever i'm on game i don't communicate, i tend to focus on the game and it all comes to my senses whenever to help, farm and etc

              Savvy Cat

                Win easy 5v4 team fights and take objectives with little to no opposition.


                  i often let them push, then try to win the team fight, you n your team can do whatever yall want afterward.

                  to first comment, dust in the backpack are usually too late, imho... tp, smoke, raindrop is fine


                    pressure a lane and force em to tp back o risk losing their rax. if u always have the lanes pushed out then they wont be able to threaten ur structures before u threaten theirs. or u can wait for em to rat and smoke gank em to give ur team a numbers advantage in the next fight, win it, then take a structure.