General Discussion

General DiscussionJug Jungle

Jug Jungle in General Discussion
its ok,relax.

    I made a smurf and managed to do pretty well on it I know its very greedy and all but I like it and if you guys want to try it out its pretty fun here is my new smurf. And yes I have allot of time on my hands year break ect.. And I play 200 ping on eu so im going to pat myself on the back <3 anyways this one is for the junglers out there that want to try something fresh

    Ten temat był edytowany
    Dire Wolf

      No just no


        stop jungling because you don't get safelane/mid and can't be bothered to play a support /roamer and buy some *GASP* Wards.....

        play a roamer or a support..... greedy jungler assclowns " team sux I must carry" attitude.

        also for extra LOLZ... go look up the top WR jungling heros. Guess who appears..... Riki and BH.

        really makes you think.....

        Ten komentarz był edytowany
        white boy summer

          jungle in common is dumb unless u play chen. u just steal carry's and midder's reliable income and if they get fucked lane u just help them fall off more

          all role player

            Jungle is good if u Know How
            Puppey got 7k By jungling hero with 70℅wr.
            LC picker jungle is braindead tho

            Ten komentarz był edytowany
            Dire Wolf

              jungle jungle heroes not jug


                What are you going to do when you get lvl 6? You can't setup like LC, you can't rs like ursa/wk 10 minutes in, what power spike from item are you gonna get from jugg? It's not as scary as LC with fast dagger, ursa/lycan with fast vlad, or WK with fast treads armlet, or enigma with anything basically
                Too greedy, risky as hell, and there isn't much reward to reap from it

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  ^What wk/ursa/Lycan is bad jungle hero by most ppl,they said chan,axe,bs,enigma are good jungler.
                  Where you get your list from?


                    what power spike from item are you gonna get from jugg?

                    Jugg hits a power spike when he reaches level 6. I don't know what you're going on about. You stop jungling when you reach level 6 and go put your ult on cooldown.


                      i got a jugg jungling for 20 minutes and making us go late when we could end fast and he still wont admit lane is better