General Discussion

General DiscussionHow should Razor be reworked?

How should Razor be reworked? in General Discussion

    Cos come on guys, the poor chap isn't doing so well at the moment.


      Agi gain per level should increase. Shittest hero in agility. Can't even be called an agility hero , same with nyx(no idea why is he in agi)
      His skills are shitty AF. It deals almost no DMG in the late game. I don't know how they will bring in razor. (I have just tried it in demo and some lobby games so I don't have much detail. Sorry if this was useless . )
      OK now bye.


        garbage hero for garbage players like toenail


          make so his q slows, his passive diminishes armor from opponents, and his ult also slows or something. Then you'll get a damage sucking machine.


            ^ that would make razor a roam sup imo.


              increase the sucking ability.. LuL




                  Skill 1 will constant give 325 damage . Skill 2 drain damage and slow 35% .skill 3 give chance to block incoming spell .ult now strike anything tht razor click

                  Dire Wolf

                    You could fix him pretty quickly and keep his kit. He has multiple problems but all can be address.

                    1. What is he, is he a right clicker or a nuker or a debuffer?
                    2. Farms way too slow
                    3. Is ultra squishy

                    So you end up building aghs to make him take buildings but that doesn't help his right click, then you need mobility and tank items cus he is squishy. So how to fix?

                    One buff his agility gain as mentioned. Helps with everything. Make it 3 per level.

                    Fix his ult range. It's less than his auto attack with lance. Make it 700.

                    Change his ult to always hit buildings and remove aghs. Now he can go legit tank or right clicker.

                    If you really want an aghs buff make it make his static link a small aoe like like 325 like lion's aghs ult. So you can hit multiple people. That might be massively op with setup from like a magnus.

                    Put a slow debuff on link, a small one like 6/8/10/12% slow. Lets him link a little better before having to upgrade his passive.

                    Make his Q mini stun on hits.


                      ^that'd be making him op just +25% magic amp would be good and +stats on him for talent tree would be nice


                        Give him wings and the ability to shoot rainbow laser beams from every orifice.

                        10/10 will play everyday

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          giving his q a ministun is retarded. rather, give it a slow. like since farther out the ring goes it does more damage, if more damage give less slow. if the target is near low damage but high slow

                          ult should naturally just hit only heroes, creep heroes, and towers

                          link cd should be lower because if the link breaks prematurely thats a long ass time, with a useless buff if not for the whole duration

                          yep ult range is retarded, not in the good way


                            What about ulti can be switched between targets? Like after using ulti u click r it targets creeps, another click target heroes, another one target buildings. Like pt switch. Mb some cool animations to each with a new arcana kappa.


                              But then if you slow someone in front of you the q deals less dmg when in returns if the slow is stronger than the dmg


                                And animations might be golden lightning to creeps or like that cloud throwing hand of midases to creeps. And red or blue or some cool lightinings to heroes. For buildings throwing lightining hammers would be good. Or even meteors for different arcanas. Hear me volvo pls

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  He's very good early game hero


                                    Give him 3 seperate Q with different AoE for 90 mana cost and ult with bkb piercing slow and minus damage
                                    Oh wait......

                                    Savvy Cat

                                      Razor isn't awful late game. He has almost no impact mid game with average heroes in average team fights. At level 25 with a Refresher Orb and whatever other items you want to build on him, he can have close to 1k damage per right click, and close to 2 attacks per second. Getting there with him is... harrowing. It would be nice if you could make his ult target who you chose, however, as double Eye of the Storm can easily mulch down fed cores alongside that 1k damage.

                                      I personally prefer Shiva's, Vanguard, Halberd, or Hood of Defiance on him. Its a little weird I know, but having impact with this semi-awful hero, at times, requires weird builds.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        eye of the storm is such a shit ult, cd is too long as well. the cd doesnt allow razor to capitalize on if he wins a teamfight with aghs. 30 seconds of fighting, which is just about enough to to win/lose a teamfight and hurry over to the enemys base, leaving not enough time for the aghs to actually do what is was supposed to do

                                        also maybe dont buff the storm in terms of damage and utility, just let razor manually choose which unit to attack, kinda like krobelus ult


                                          His suck is insta suck 200 dmage and it have 3sec cooldown. His 1st skill have 10sec cooldown and it will kill every creep it touches but it dont deal any damage on enemy hero

                                          Small Song

                                            If his Q had more wave clearing ability, it'd be nice. Let him farm faster and become more of a pusher. Perhaps does extra damage for each consecutive unit it hits, or just does bonus damage to creeps.

                                            The dynamic of Q -- trying to get it at the very end -- while allowing for skills, seems silly. Make it more of an AOE that would function better for team fights as it builds up hits on enemies as it goes out and in. This would allow the positioning to matter more as the damage jumps up with each contact. Also would make enemies afraid to bunch up.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Yeah my suggestions were probably massively op. Hows this?

                                              Change his agility gain to 2.8. That's +20 at 25 over current.
                                              Change his level 10 +15 agility talent to +7 all stats. Razor needs hp and mana almost as much as agility early game.
                                              Make eye of the storm ult range 700.

                                              Rework plasma field. Give it two separate instances like shadow fiend's raze. One instance works the same as now. The second one on it's own cooldown has same values but is reverse so it deals max dmg at close range and min dmg at distance. The mana cost will keep you from spamming it and making it insanely op in lane.

                                              I still want a slow on link, maybe just 8/9/10/11%, nothing huge.


                                                He shouldn't be reworked. That hero should be deleted


                                                  ^if we're going to remove a hero that should be broodmama cos anything can counter that spider the new ancient creeps is much better


                                                    stick to the name, change the shape and abilities will do it


                                                      i think they'll just rework him completely

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Most hero reworks though stay close to the same spirit of the hero. Like bloodseeker kept thirst, kept healing off kills, kept dmg amp, kept silence in a different form. Yeah all his abilities got shuffled and became actives and stuff but he kept all the same features.

                                                        Void too, backtrack was a passive dodge, became an active backtrack. Added one new ability.

                                                        So razor rework will too be something minor, he'll keep a nuke and link, change how they work a little, maybe add an active instead of his passive.


                                                          I've seen really good suggestions that would make the hero really playable and maybe even fun. Volvo should consider.


                                                            you forgot to mention necrophos it's just about nerf and buff and nerf a complete cycle that may ruin a hero


                                                              the problem is that razor doesn't deal any damage without a good static link, and static link can be unreliable. You're forced to chase a hero back and if you don't have a good disable you can get pulled out of position or you're stuck with very little damage for the next fight. If you put static link on like a 10 sec cd but everytime you cast it it would remove the previous buff and debuff, that could seriously help the hero out.


                                                                or make static link a passive that steals like 3/6/10/15 damage each time razor attacks a target and give him a slow or stun instead of a passive ms bonus.


                                                                  No pro but I've noticed a trend that Razor WR has dropped significantly since the introduction of hurricane pike. Weak stats for razor, no dmg. Building a forcestaff on a hero like Razor blows my mind.


                                                                    its not that your building it on razor thats losing games. It's his opponents building it a being able to force out of static link range.

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      sometimes if i feel the need to fill the midgame role i just take a desolator to actually deal damage. if a guy has to take desolator to deal damage with a traditional pos 1/pos 2 that supposedly needs tankiness, that tells you something is wrong with the right click aspect, or the right click steroid (link in this case)


                                                                        If his ult would target heros and towers over creeps, he would be fine. This is a small adjustment with a huge impact.

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          his voice is cool af but he reminds me of a wimpy cun.t valve should "buff" his appearance give him more muscle and mass like they did with enigma and slardar


                                                                            the best way to fix razor is maybe increase his strength gain, make eye of the storm actually hit what u want to hit, and give him any sort of disable/slow on any of his non ultimate skills. he wudnt necessarily be great and exact numbers can be changed but he needs something.


                                                                              I think Razor is quite ok, just doesn't fit the meta well.

                                                                              The problem that I always have with him is using his Ultimate during clashes when there are nearby creeps. You almost always have to make sure that when you use Plasma Field, the nearby creeps should die, else they get targeted by your ultimate and that's a waste of maybe 3-4 strikes depending on the number of low hp creeps.

                                                                              Item-wise, to lessen the chances of this happening, you need to be very maneuvarable.. either by having very good move speed or slowing down enemies.

                                                                              Anyway, suggestion to rework him is to be able to toggle his ult between:
                                                                              1) lowest HP unit
                                                                              2) Enemy heroes only
                                                                              3) Scepter upgrade: hit buildings

                                                                              주 롄양

                                                                                Make field steals damage of each hero hit + 1 good skills just like necrophos


                                                                                  A rework for 1st skill and Buff range on Ultimate

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    DP's ult follows whatever she is targeting, you could do it like that I guess.