General Discussion

General DiscussionIs roaming support Riki still a thing?

Is roaming support Riki still a thing? in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I used to play roaming support riki a lot back when he had that short lived HP regen and his cloud had more MS slow (I think). Then with one patch they removed his regen and MS slow, and roaming support riki died (or got much more difficult). I know they have since added the MS back on to smoke, and you can get tranquils to supplement the HP regen. I was just curious if it was a valid thing, both in lower MMR brackets and in higher. If so what should his play style be? What items should you shoot for? I know the idea is you snowball and transition to a core, but in some games it wont always be possible.



      But roaming doesn't mean a 4th fucking carry that refuses to buy wards/sentries/dusts/smokes


        OFC it's still a thing I for one would not want to fight with an enemy team that has roaming Riki cause its annoying and super waste of gold for blue wards, I always ban him when I play rank hahaha.

        Chao Vritra

          Interesting. Is this the case in higher MMR brackets too? And yeah, I usually would start with sentries and tangos for dewarding, observers if needed, and work my way to orb of venom/boots. It has just been a long time and I am curious what are good early-mid game items to rush. Cool to hear people still play it. I suppose that smoke is a powerful ability.