General Discussion

General DiscussionDota just doesnt make sense to me anymore

Dota just doesnt make sense to me anymore in General Discussion

    So in my latest match we had a huskar that went bot lane with me and stole all my farm but i thought nothing much of it because Im normal skill and went top to help axe after i get treads, NEXT FUCKING THING huskar is running it down mid for no reason whatsoever and I just don't get it. What sends a person so far off the deep end that he starts to feed like that. Most the time if someone seems to be pissed at my team Ill call them out and see as too why it is theyre doing it. But this guy was nonredeemable, he took this as a jokoe which makes me the most mad because I see no reason to ruin other people's games. These people should be forced to play against bots for eternity, but that will never happen. My point is that I dont think low prio is harsh enough of punishement like this guy is gonna keep doing this ruining peoples games because theyll never learn their lesson theres no reprecussion at all. So if yall can look at the Huskar in this match and tell me your opinion on griefers in this game. Feels fucking bad man


      i feel ya bro


        Well maybe that Huskar is a 10 year old kid or something so............. low priority is not the remedy and also don't think too much about it since its only one match not unless you've had this kind of matches 10 consecutive times well.............

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          Yeah that's what i think too


            You probably did something to deserve it


              @BoJack thats what i thought and I asked him but he wouldnt be coherent he just kept saying gg, and said besides abandoning the game he would make it a living hell, I tried to stay calm but i eventually just got mad at him too.

              1-IceTea 🌟

                He not happy because he want to farm, if you went jungle that match your will probably won it.

                Jungle is the solution , jungle is love


                  @1-IceTeaFunny thing treant protector was in the jungle, but that does give me a question can any hero jungle with talon tangoes and the shrine? Not that I would Ck jungle but just wondering now


                    ^dont listen to licetea unless its specifically and only abt jungle. He literally only knows how to jungle.

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      ^^CK can jungle quite fast because of his passive contain lifesteal, also try not take shrine outside of base.Let you lane use it.
                      If you like to play CK, without needing much effort you can hit 4K easily with CK jungle

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        CK jungle to 4k sounds a bit exaggerating
                        But it is good