From what I heard, if the lane is empty, go to jungle and let your illu lasthit in lane. I am not a great TB player btw
Quelling blade works on illusions and you just shift click queue attack move orders so they clear jungle for you. They can do it solo usually when you have just lance aquila and yasha.
Idk why you'd ever bother playing Dota in an empty lobby to learn farming, it's so removed from the actual game that it may as well be irrelevant. Just amove your illusions down lanes and run around the jungle it's not particularly hard to get good cs if you have map control.
I barely got 650 on 30 min challenge as AM
How am I supposed to get 800 with TB, I doubt he farms faster than AM
Yes it does work on illusions. It's an amazing item on TB for that reason, I'll often drop aquila before quelling blade when I run out of slots.
"Illusions also get this ability."
Except that illusion don't benefit from raw damage, so they don't benefit from qb.
And yup, now that qb no longer work on illusion, he is no longer farming faster than am
ok seems to be right cus I found on illusions page on wiki
" Battlefury's Quell is the only attack damage bonus which fully works for illusions. The reductions of Split Shot and Marksmanship are the only reductions which affect illusions."
Seems to imply regular quelling blade and iron talon don't work. That's a pretty big indirect nerf to tb I didn't realize before.
I took some peoples advice and tried terrorblade in a normal match,can anybody tell ne what i did wrong here
Cutnpaste, Have you ever seen a low mmr player farm? They just walk past freefarm.
This should get them into the mindset of farming efficiently.
acc to aui_2000 in lane you could get 100/ cs in a free farming safelane in 10 mins, thru stacking hard camps and perfect cs.
Post laning phase you force teamfight/seige w/ metamorph
if you're winning and cant siege tier 3s , farm enemy jungle and micro illu to farm lanes.
I think if you have pushed all the outer towers by minute 20 you should have treads aqula dragon manta and an ultimate orb.
but if you are in a losing game, you will probably get farmed because you have killed a high networth hero tldr; you need to survive teamfights to get items faster.
Yeah, mainly just send the illusions to push out lanes(like Naga) and farm ancients/jungle with the main, by doing so you can force enemy back, maybe cut the creeps with 2 illus to clear wave and stop them from sieging, it's hard to play tab well if your team has 2/3 other farm oriented heroes, so try being flexible too if you wanna raise ur mmr
Sending main hero to the jungle while using your illusion to farm lane seems easier to execute than pushing the wave and eat the sidecamp and get back to the lane when the equilibrium is already reset (AM)
Having illusions farm lane is rough early though cus they won't have enough dmg to get cs on auto attack and I really doubt you're microing illusions on that kind of level, though I guess you could if you leave your hero on auto attack in jungle. Easier to suicide illusions into jungle and farm lane with hero.
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Was looking for some terrorblade farming tips since i can get my manta at about 25 min after dragon lance but completely fall off after when going for items like skadi