4k support Vs. 2K support
Lets look at what a 4k support should hopefully do for his team vs. a 2k.
1) Punish Dives: 4k's Carry a TP to punish dives. both 4k games and 2k games, dives happen. Difference is 4k will TP to help, possibly get a kill. 2k most likely won't.
2) Zone offlaner and secure carry farm: when you make space for a 4k carry he is going to farm better which causes a cascading effect on faster farming overall, use gold advantage vs your 2k carry might not have ultized the space for farming as effeiclently. Furthermore to that point, properly zoning the offlaner will lead to him being low level and with your carry signinfcant ahead in gold and xp can solo threaten to kill him outright allowing you to roam to other lanes. 2k supports don't zone offlaners well, screw up the creep EQ allowing easy xp for offlaner.
3) roaming/farming. The supports in 4k will move around the map more. They will smoke gank middle @ 4min mark with a rune . Again they punish dives on your offlaner/,mid. 2k's tend to be static in lane with safe laner when it isn't required. Take farm when you can' but never tp to a lane to farm unless its for a tower deny. You need that TP for dives and to join the team. Let the carry TP to farm those lanes pushing into tower.
Also taking some creep camps when doing a rotation. 4ks will get more farm then 2ks unless the 2k is dedicated to farming his AGhs rush at which point he isn't really playing a true support for the team.
4) Ward placement: 4 k supports will use a smoke to place deep wards that spot enemy rotations and do them in spots that aren't easily dewarded. 2k supports place wards in common spots and often dont buy sents.
5) Positioning: 2k supports go and buy wards throw some spells and die in most team fights .GG that is what supports do, use spells ward and die. End of the match has 1-15-23 as the score. 4k supports are more likely to have 3-5-23 as the score, feeding alot less gold. Everyone has bad games but feeding 10+ kills a game all comes down to the positioning of the hero and itemization where a 4k support will probably do a better job then 2k.
This is just my opinion , perhaps you are doing all the things above and good for you. But on average , I think this is a pretty accurate representation of the difference between the two levels. I've been wrong before and I could be wrong here.....
Supporting is ez to learn
Hard to master
Anyone can just place wards, stay back, cast shits, and heal teammates, but not everyone can wreck all 3 lanes, deward on unconventional spots, and still be impactful 30 minutes into the game with near to no farm and xp
I think in 2k and early 3k brackets, as a support player you can only hope your team isn't as bad as the enemy team. Honestly, there are some really chatty fellas, a lot of good communication goes around but sometimes you either get a dick or someone who has no idea what he's doing
*cough* https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3046614259 PA 4th pick after lanes have been locked *cough*
Supporting is way less stressful and more fun for me compared to carry
I mean, there's no way farming and winning the game by clicking heroes is more fun than triggering the enemy mid so hard that he tilt and make the entire enemy team flame each other in their fountain
It's just I believe I'm not that good of a support to deathball my team to victory consistently
Supporting is way less stressful and more fun for me compared to carry
I mean, there's no way farming and winning the game by clicking heroes is more fun than triggering the enemy mid so hard that he tilt and make the entire enemy team flame each other in their fountain
It's just I believe I'm not that good of a support to deathball my team to victory consistently
sometimes I just want to pick roam and not worry about CS, power spikes, and where to farm to refresh my mind from laning "1v3" everytime I safelane
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Support 4k mmr, get ez wins.
Support 2-3k mmr, get ez losses.
Is this because 4k's carry me harder, or because 2k's tilt me harder?