I never did it but did you tried the tutorial?...learn things like last hitting, ward spots, what each and every hero does and shit like that. Overall just have fun...dont turn into a 4 k scrub rager like me...good luck
thanks man
on bot matches I focused on improving my farm, i think i should practice other aspects
Bro, as a jungle player. I have some bit of advice for you. Learn to play Axe/Ursa/BS/Luna/Sven etc because they are very pesky when it comes to 10-15 minute mark as they got early high levels and items. But don't spend too much in jungle. Learn the golden way of stacking creep and of course map awareness since enemies might visit you at NC all the time. Get helm too it keeps you alive when u nc. That's all I can think for now. 4k scrub--
don't be afraid of getting rekt in lane. if you are don't pick mid heroes. go safelane and make sure your health doesn't go below 75%. if you are caught out of position then that will get you killed. also get a stout if they're right clicking you a lot.
I suggest you should play heroes which are simpler than natures Prophet. Prophet needs a lot of Teamcoordination and good decision making.
playing prophet jungle isnt about staying afk in the jungle for 10+ min, it is about farming up the most neccessary items and go ganking.
talking about a simple hero i would recommend you to play lich. He is fairly straight forward and only his ultimate is kinda hard to land. But as with every hero, you get used to it with practice.
Furthermore: if you are new to the game i recommend you to play support most of the time. Because if you die as a sup, it is not as Bad as dying as a carry.
Now take a look at natures prophet: this hero is only play in jungle and offlane. The jungle requires you to farm fast and have constant awareness of the map. The offlane on the other hand is called "hardlane" for a reason. Natures prophet is pretty good at offlaning but you gotta micro your treants and dont feed with them. Furthermore you need to have a good positioning AND awareness of
The map.
I hope my advices can help you a little bit! :)
Have you read this? It took a while to read but it is very worth it.
This is basically a shortcut to 2k
I suggest learning to lane before you play jungle. The problem with jungling is that it weakens all lanes as your team is missing a second support or a roamer. Don't be that guy that knows how to jungle but doesn't know how to lane when your team really needs it. Would also recommend taking all of the advice you get here with a grain of salt. The skill level between posters varies wildly as does their knowledge of the game. I would suggest looking into some videos on learning to play if you're really looking to improve.
You wanna avoid np because he's shit atm. Not even pros run him. Like, if phase > blink > dagon mid gank spam is the most viable build on a hero, then you should be looking to avoid them.
He used to be a bad hero that was picked in tournies and was meh in soloq, and then they nerfed him into the ground and then nerfed him even more because fuck you.
Rofl dimas I thought I was the only one who noticed it
Also this dude is my classmate he asked some guidance yesterday
I say he have some potential
honestly, if you like NP so much, just keep playing him and watch videos of replay on how to play him. NP is good in lower brackets as people cant deal with split pushers
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hi guys, so, I started playing dota few weeks ago and I fell in love with it quickly, last week my internet went down and I played alot of bot matches on offline mode
recently I've been playing natures prophet because I got inspired by admiralbulldog (I watched TI3 finals it was amazing)
give me any tips, I usually play jungle because I'm scared of playing lane, thinking that everyone would be better than me and shit on me and I will go 0-4, so I prefer doing PvE
Also I've never played any MMORPG before, so any basic tips would be nice