General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker mains... what's your story on gitting gud at Injo?

Invoker mains... what's your story on gitting gud at Injo? in General Discussion
Farm then Carry



      Instapicking him 100 games in a row in solo mmr

      I used to be an invoker spammer


        Play more, get good at dota in general


          Be good as invoker in warcraft 3 dota 1 times helps to git gud


            ^da fuck dota 1lols


              its like this
              git gud
              git gutter
              git gutest

              Player 123655765

                spamming him would help you. Be good at last hits, when lane is hard best to tower hug (request for gank if team mates are not retards) try to take the medium camp when creeps are out of tower. play safe until u get aghs. Always bring tp, but only tp when you know you can save team mate or kill an enemy. It's best to get ur midas first around 7-10 mins. Always have map awareness for Sunstrike, and Sunstrike is not always for KSing. When your team mate have sk or es, avoid using tornado as a first skill. Wex build is best against hero like wk, axe or any low-mana-pool heroes.

                Player 123655765

                  Use quick cast (if you're not using it). Know where to position and know when you can initiate a tornado-wex-blast/ice wall combo. Mostly you stay at the back and wait till your tank initiate then combo away. Summon your spirit first before clashing, sometimes enemy don't notice forge spirits during clashes and may give u free kills, learn to micro them and try hitting supports with it.