General Discussion

General Discussionabaddon

abaddon in General Discussion

    Is free mmr in 3k.
    Be a disgusting human being, spam him, get em +25 plebs.

    casual gamer

      free mmr any bracket

      Président® Salted Butter

        *Abaddon. But yeah, he's a great hero.


          8 games in a row lol, hope i dont jinx it. Stupid hero.

          Is there any specific counter to abaddon? When shouldnt i pick him?


            A hero with an ability to deal massive damage in one shot before Abaddon can trigger his ultimate (Lion, Lina). Regen? Heal? Fuck you (Ancient Apparition). Ultimate on? LOL I'm removing you off the map (OD, Shadow Demon).

            That's some of counter that I can think of

            Président® Salted Butter

              He doesn't like getting silenced or getting his mana cut off, but eh, even then I still think he's a pretty safe pick


                Yeah I'm also spamming him hahaha great offlane support too.

                Président® Salted Butter

                  Lion can disable you, suck your mana, and burst you with damage above 400


                    But you can always activate your ulti before those heroes burst you, right?
                    So far i am having trouble against heroes that burn my mana.
                    Should i get an arcane boots and build greaves?


                      What you should be careful of would be silence, unlike stun you can still cast ult even you are stunned unless you are silenced then you are screwed.

                      Yeah build greaves.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                      Président® Salted Butter

                        Yeah, you can press R

                        And there's always the option of building soul ring, greaves could work too


                          OD rekts him, burns mana, prevents aba from saving teammates (astral) and can drop the hammer on him from above ulti pop range. Am is also pretty good, cuz aba is ok against him in lane, but he wont have enough mana to spam shield so he doesnt rekt am imo. Am with pms and maybe even an oov can zone out aba. Plus aba usually buys int and mana items like shivas and such, and am can just pop him quick.


                            Aba is free mmr i confirm this.

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              My Ursa will keep hit abbadon when his ulti active,no problem.
                              ONCE ULTI IS DOWN,3 HIT KILL!!!


                                im thinking abt echo sabre abaddon.


                                  abadon is too good, his shield is imba, dispells all disables and has very low cooldown, just too good, that says it. I would say that silencer counters it, but still hero is just too good.


                                    Against silencer go greaves euls lotus, and never get silenced lmao. Also im pretty sure u can unsilence urself then purge the silence off of someone else too with shield.


                                      No need for echo sabre. Carry aba should just rush radiance. Support aba is best to rush vlads if u don't have natural vlads carrier.


                                        AXE GUYS AXE?

                                        Word Life

                                          Abaddon best build 2k17 OFFLANER
                                          Phase Boots - Soul Ring - Stout Shield (lane phase)
                                          Crimson Guard
                                          Pipe of Insight
                                          Vladimir ---> at this point u prob won the game
                                          Aghamis Scepter
                                          Something else, prob Cuirass, Hearth ...
                                          EZ PZ +25 MMR

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            I just played a abaddon where I had to be the pos. 5 solo support with mirana in enemy team.

                                            you literally need no farm and you can still tank a lot of damage and keep allies alive.

                                            should have gone vlads instead of mek though

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              did his shield range get buffed? it seems to hit me from miles away now.

                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                ^ I actually wished it did lmao


                                                  ICETEA ALWAYS HAVE RIGHT ANSWEE GJ BRO

                                                  ABA SUPORT OFFLANE IS SHIT JUST PURE OFFLANE

                                                  Farm then Carry

                                                    I wonder, can an oracle cast ult on abaddon, then the whole team just bursts him down. will his ult still cast automatically?


                                                      Can I get free win in 9k mmr bracket?

                                                      fear is the mind killer


                                                        Feichang Gaoxing

                                                          Do not pick abaddon against OD. I've never won a match against OD using abaddon. So i just stopped picking abaddon when enemy picks od


                                                            In most cases OD would be picked latter than aba anyway so theres no point of avoiding it. Aba is still a first pick material no matter what only cause of his impact in teamfight, least thats what i think.


                                                              aba is hard hurt by pushers and escape heroes cuz he ain't got any control at all. On lane he is weak so if u r facing a strong lane - u suck (but it is so obvious already). And u can't also activate ur ultimate by button if u r hexed/silenced so against lion aba is really weak

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                                                              Erase Humanity

                                                                Burst and sudden crit kills him when low. Axe and Necro ult too I guess.

                                                                Feichang Gaoxing

                                                                  @Fight Machine not unless you manually activate ulti. That's what i do against those two heroes.

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                    11 games xD