General Discussion

General DiscussionCan you help me get 4k?

Can you help me get 4k? in General Discussion

    what should i do to become better at this game plz halp


      same thing u would do @ school to get brainz


        ^^ get a mod/script??

        Siccness for the thiccness

          Just so u know 4k is not a wonderful place either.

          Giff me Wingman

            neither is 5k or 6k.


              out of all the brackets 4k is the worst AVOID AVOID I repeat 1 more time AVOID getting in there!!

              Pale Mannie

                you taste the flame by entering 4k


                  no i can't coz i stuck at 1.5k
                  can anybody help this noob(the author)


                    am i care about the 4k or vhs the answes is no
                    but i do care me rent a pc for having fun with playing dota the answer is yes
                    be happy man your life is not just about dota and 4k shit mmr

                    Player 404335202

                      what if i tell u u are gonna calibrate at 4.2k mmr ?


                        you need to destroy ancient bro


                          noone is going to bother with telling you what are you doing wrong (almost everything)

                          unless you have some specific questions to ask then all we can tell you is git gud


                            yeah you right(above me)
                            need more details bro

                            Supp style

                              no problem, bro


                                just pick a pool of heroes for climbing, limit it to 5 or so. I recently did the climb from 3.8 to 4.8 my heroes were:

                                necro, ember, weaver, slard, abbadon (all of whom are somewhat abusable in the meta) tbh in 3k and low 4k games you can win most games by getting a good teamfight item early (greaves, pipes, the vanguard aura thing) and just forcing a fast tempo. If you just focus on pushing towers and grouping up once your team hits a power-spike you should have like tons of those 20 min wins. Personally the easiest way to grind is to go offlane or mid.

                                Good luck

                                TRY hard to get VHS

                                  U need a vhs mate to get 4k?

                                  TRY hard to get VHS

                                    Git gud


                                      One does not simply get to 4k


                                        Just enjoy the game. Mmr is nothing but a number. I dont understand ppl obsessed with mmr. You guys think you will become a pro or something ? :)

                                        Take every last hit, learn to control lane and creep aggro dont die more than max 3 times :p


                                          Bro, people obses of high mmr not just because wanted to be a pro, but they wish for a better game. For my experience, it's a huge difference when you play high mmr gaming and low mmr gaming.
                                          I don't mean anything disrespectful. But it's my own experience.


                                            But if you are playing in low mmr this means you are playing at where you belong. Just accept it and find your inner peace about it. Then enjoy playing game from there and you will improve in time. Some ppl improve in 1k total matches some 3k some 5k. It depends

                                            Also what do you expect from higher quality games ? I guarantee you there are flamers, leavers in every bracket. I suggest you dont flame and rage even if your team does. Just dont answer them. Play your game and try to support your team in any possible scenario. Inncreasing your behaviour score will give you higher quality teammates that at least you can cooperate and communicate with.

                                            Not to even mention your mmr is not showing your individual skill as a player but more likely your chances on winning games. I know lots of 3k-4k even 5k ppl who git carried there but has shit individual skills

                                            Another thing is, please do not mind solo mmr unless solo matchmaking is truly a solo matchmaking which is not at the moment.

                                            Anyways these are just my thoughts

                                            fear is the mind killer

                                              ^ what do you mean by "a truly solo matchmaking"


                                                I mean the same old story of

                                                " if i am queing for solo ranked i must be teamed up with only random ppl who are solo too. Not with party stacks of 3-4 etc. In solo matchmaking everyone should be solo in either team"


                                                  Pay a booster

                                                  Easiest way



                                                    "Also what do you expect from higher quality games ? I guarantee you there are flamers, leavers in every bracket" - there are, but the general amount of stupidity decreases, as higher mmr players are more likely to understand the game better to not flame, or feed, or do other shit (so yeah it happens, but a lot less)

                                                    "Not to even mention your mmr is not showing your individual skill "- it's literally your individual skill, it's not a perfect measure but it is as good as it gets in dota

                                                    "I know lots of 3k-4k even 5k ppl who git carried there but has shit individual skills"- so those people get carried in majority of their games all the way up to 3k-4k-5k ? Sorry you are just wrong

                                                    Overall, I agree MMR is just a number, but it is a number that is representative of your skill and the higher it goes the more competitive it gets, which is what some people want out of this game since it has this steep learning curve to begin with.


                                                      4k up is awful. Trust me.

                                                      fear is the mind killer

                                                        when you q solo you end up with solo ppl or duo, 3/4 stacks aren't possible


                                                          Yes, duo. Still terrible enough though. Solo is and should be just solo. Simple as that. If there is even a duo in solo it is not solo

                                                          However it is not a reason or excuse for any low solo mmr. It is just that solo mmr is not truly solo mmr and that is a fact



                                                            Anyone feels stucked between a certain mmr range for a long time and decides to go smurf can callibrate much higher and usually do so.

                                                            There are many people which smurf and callibrate 3.5k-4k while their original account is 2-2.5k or sometimes even less.

                                                            So what kind of rating we have here ? What is the real mmr of these people ? If they deserve to be 4k, appearently they do as they can callibrate at this mmr, why they have been stucked in 2k-3k for ages ? Or if they dont deserve 4k and thats why they are still in where they are then again why they callibrate much higher in their smurf ?

                                                            I dont know. Just thinking. Maybe there could be a system which respects people who are actually improving. Such a system which would relocate their bracket to somewhere higher or lower by considering their performance without just focusing on winrate.

                                                            Or, if the game thinks that someone truly belong to where he is then there should be something to prevent smurfing or even if they smurf they should be callibrated somewhere around their original mmr to proove that system is working fine and correctly. However, appearently this is not the case as we all know.

                                                            That is why, for me mmr is nothing but just a number under current circumstances



                                                              Do you have any legitimate proof that peopel can calibrate 1-1.5k above their actual mmr? Also provided that your assumption is correct over time they will just sink to whatever bracket they belong to so in the long run MMR proves to be reflective of your skill. Saying that it doesnt in some cases isn't a proof of a faulty system since over-time it works pretty well.


                                                                I smurfed once on my friend's account ended up with like 4.2k at that time my original MMR was around 4k, bunch of my other friends smurfed too and were 200-400 mmr above what they were on their actual acc, so I dont think it changes much in the big frame of things. Ofc boosters market is a whole other issue, but even then ppl that buy those accounts tank their mmr pretty quickly.


                                                                  Be aware of what;s going around you, that's all for now.



                                                                    Legitimate proof ? They are everywhere. Even in this forum you can read recent topic "what is your smurf story". I have a 2.1k friend who keep playing vhs games in his smurf