circlet + branches for wand later
or straight blades of attack rush armlet if the lane sure safe
skillbuild same
huskar so weak now - most played huskar , used to spam huskar
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Why would u get quelling ? Wind lace still good esp against melee offlaners. Safelaner would probably have to start w more regen like tango x 2
Also consider going solar on him
I suppose huskar could be run as a safe lane but instead run a safe lane solo against a melee offlaner and have your team trilane against the enemy safelane.
I never see huskar, and when I do he always loses.
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safelane huskar, are there major differences in item- or skilbuild?
I guess windlace is not needed in safelane, but you get a quelling blade instead?
in my mind the skill build also wouldnt change, but I might be wrong