General Discussion

General DiscussionRofl

Rofl in General Discussion
    This got placed on dotabuff's guide page

    casual gamer

      its not that bad assuming the deso is just hitting ancient

      hoods value against heavy magic damage all the time, shivas is a little weird but not terrible i dont think

      1-IceTea 🌟

        what's wrong?


          lanes are strange probably?


            lmao that 0 min wand and 5
            Min tp


              If it was a Norma skill game u would all laugh. But obviously if u would deviate from optimal builds in a high mmr game u would say he is adapting his build to the highly situational scenario in his particular game.


                thats what im talking abiut
                same as my anti thread
                u see i think like 6 k



                  doing pipe AM before it was cool (still not)


                    Smoking and vape is cool tho
                    Also I listen to chainsmokers haHAA

                    Lets do Science

                      See, the main difference between a 6k building weird items and a 3k building weird items is that the 6k actually knows why he's building said item and what it'll accomplish. The 3k on the other hand doesn't know jack all about why he's building it. The only even remotely odd choice in that entire item selection for spooky was the hood of defiance, and considering both zeus and silencer, two heavy magic damage long range heroes were riding her from min 0 with a crystal maiden backing up their spam, it makes perfect sense to dampen their impact and get yourself some neat sustain at the same time. You're pretty much blocking a good 60% of their kill potential on you by doing so.


                        Hood is an item that almost any tanky core has in the situational pocket, shivas is weird but it works well with keeping everyone in rad burn, and makes u tankier than ac, and that was a 41 min deso and the game was 41 min long so it was an ancient hitting deso, and now bryant u look like a retard.