General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it possible to first pick random to 6k?

Is it possible to first pick random to 6k? in General Discussion
i have 5 reports to use

    Assuming you don't get lp. How many matches would it take from 5k

    casual gamer

      you can get 6k doing whatever if ur good enough i would imagine

      Giff me Wingman

        what idiotic question is this (2nd question)?

        It obv. depends on the player.

        Answer the first question: Yes. duh...


          Youd need the game knowledge of a 7k

          So yes

          Story Time

            the probability of EVERYTHING is not zero

            1-IceTea 🌟

              I will get to 5K easily if I do this.


                ^if u ever get out of LP. LUL

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  If a player that play nothing but jungle only can reach 4.6K
                  It's very easy to hit 5K if he lane AHAHAHAHAHA

                  Ave with an internet pfp

                    ^Since when farming with a NPC harder than farming with a non retarded human?

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      well waga randomed to 7k, so its possible.

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        ^Since when jungle is higher winrate then lane?
                        Your focus point is lost that's why you in low mmr,try to priority important things and see the truth,it will get you to higher mmr when you do that.

                        Don't thank me just keep it on your heart helping others is my nature :smile:

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          Possible? It's probably statistically the best way given that you get paid to do it!


                            I think you just have to focus winning. Just being practical. Lol