General Discussion

General DiscussionImproving MMR + General Gameplay

Improving MMR + General Gameplay in General Discussion

    Better to do this playing all positions? Or just 1 or 2 positions?
    Same with heroes: Keeping a small hero pool, or 10+?

    I am asking because I'd say I learned more from my 130 games from playing Invoker than I would from 50 games of SF, 50 games of Puck, 30 games of TA. But now my SF and Puck leave a lot to be desired.

    Ten temat był edytowany
    casual gamer

      just 1-2 positions and small pool

      if u play multiple positions try to see how they fit together. offlaner-support interaction or how to make enemy mid player want to kill himself as sb/bh/sky


        I'm still a 500 mmr support :laugh:


          Start from support and moving upwards. Small pool and 1 position at a time for an extended period of time


            Best role to play when starting out is support role. Learn the basics. Warding, rotations, dewarding, checking enemy items, telling team mates when heroes are missing.

            After that learn last hitting as carries and apply map awareness (includes rotations - for ganks and farm efficiency) you learn as a support while playing as carry.

            Then you can play the hardest role of all, situational/utility heroes aka mid. You'll already by now know what your carry needs, what your team is lacking and what your team is strong at, when your team comes online, what items help your team win and how to create space for your carry till he's online (aka by ganking in lanes away from your carry/split pushing to trigger a rotation leaving your carry free to farm, etc). You'll be the play maker most of the time, initiating or counter initiating in fights where possible.


              Calling one role the hardest is really silly. I could make an argument for any role claiming it's the hardest. The best starting point is what you find most appealing because to be proficient at any role you need general game knowledge, which is only obtainable by playing the game.


                the hardest role is suport i think


                  Hardest to master*
                  Any idiot can place wards, not fuck with the carry's farm, and cast spells in teamfight

                  Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

                    I think you need to play a couple of games in all the roles. Which is what I wish most people would do. When you spam a certain hero or role and then start learning another one you learn a ton of new things. Stuff like positioning takes a lot more time because you need to understand the game a little more in terms of hero spikes etc.

                    I'll just give an example, when you play a hero like Slardar (Support). You need to have an idea about how long it'll take for their team to respond to your initiation. Can they burst you down before you get away? He's extremely mobile so against people with poor positioning he can be a pain in the ass to play.

                    If you want to play certain heroes only, go ahead and spam them. Then play their counters and you'll open doors of knowledge esp with why you're getting beat by your counters. Not just because their hero is strong against yours, but what you're doing wrong that let's them exploit your weakness against them

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      "hardest to master" indeed, aproved by MMR


                        I should stop joking around 2k LP and get back to grinding