General Discussion

General DiscussionWarlock mid

Warlock mid in General Discussion

    Hi guys,
    im 3k scrub basically, but i occasionallly play warlock on mid. Its all good in first 10 mins as i dominate the lane easily, but i tend to fall off in mid game. Can you give me any advice on how to get better in mid game or what to do to not fall off that easily..
    My usual build is tango, null talisman>midas>brown boots>aghs/veil>veil/aghs>refresher..


      not a warlock player, but looking at the top players, the most successful build seems to be

      null and 2 fairie fires>tranqs>midas>aghs>refresher>scythe/euls/ghost, octarine/dagon (game's probably over before this point)


      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        midas radiance maelstrom. Depending on the focus you'd need a sb too


          I think its brown boots then rush a rapier is the build


            clueless fucktard :)


              Seatard* xD


                @hotsalza tnx for the link. i can see that hes going tranquil, midas, aghs, refresher every single game.. plus ghost scepter, hex etc.. havent thought of tranquils, ill try his build for sure.


                  After the laning phase you will want to transition into moving around the map and ganking with a few heroes and then taking a teamfight when your ult is off cooldown. As a support hero it is your job to organize these things. Transition those teamfight victories into tower kills and apply pressure on the enemy team. If you're farming while your ult is off cooldown you're making a mistake.

                  I've also seen mid Warlocks go Blade of Attack as opposed to Null to build into Phase Boots.


                    midas radiance maelstrom. Depending on the focus you'd need a sb too

                    clueless fucktard :)



                      i my experience, veil is not the good u may think on warlock.. u should go
                      starting items> boots (without upgrade)> midas> scepter> situanional (some scape item if u need, like force or euls)> refresher..

                      if ur team have better composition, or if u team manage to capitaliza ur early victory into tower push.. then u should win before buying something else...

                      if the game goes further, u most probably need more items to increase ur survability, to avoid focus.. shivas, bkb are good options..

                      if the game goes even further, vyse or necronomicon are good choices too..


                        Warlock's success in a match is a lot more about the heroes in the game on both teams than it is about his item choices and progression, in my opinion. His golems are flashy but the reason you picked warlock was Fatal Bonds, I think you might as well just choose items like Urn/Mek/Drums into more utility afterwards (force, silence, Atos, halberd) since the idea of Warlock trying to be your lategame carry kind of makes me feel a little bit sick. I think aghs refresher rush on Warlock is a good sign that you are playing the wrong hero.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          Warlock has no innate way of farming and requires ludicrous amounts of farm comparitively to carry, and that on a retarded cd of 150ish. Its wud rather have ck mid (he is still trash mid) but at least he can get xp and doesnt require nearly as much farm to rekt. Warlock can support with just levels, but he cant carry without farm.


                            First 10 mins into the game i have wrecked almost any midlaner that played against me thanks to shadow word, transition is my main issue. Im not playing much on mid overall, maybe thats the problem...
                            I was buying phase boots first few games on warlock as +24 is pretty nice with his high base dmg, but it delays your further items.
                            I started buying Veil as +magic dmg is pretty good, which brought me some important multi kills throughout games.
                            Also, im not farming while cd on ult, im going with my team, trying to do something, but i think that is also the reason i fall off in mid game.
                            Yeah, Warlock as late game carry sucks. Well im not rushing aghs, but dunno about mek tho, not my fav item on Warlock


                              ^wow warlock won the lane, only the mid just goes to jungle and farms, and sends a support to leech xp. Then they out farm u and win later. Or the support comes and ganks and kills u. Or someone strong lvl 1 like qop comes.


                                Aghs refresher to win games


                                  Warlock mid. Win lane lose game.


                                    @daddy im not bragging about winning lane, just saying that after won lane i lose mid/late game and i needed some guidance on how to perform better later in game.
                                    I like to play Warlock because of his dominance in lane bit its not worth it if OD/Invo would win the game by owning mid instead of me.


                                      I would go same boots which is arcane > midas > Rod of atos > sb > aghanim > refresher


                                        Warlock mid is super legit I used to do it all the time 15min aghs then 25-30min refresher as a pos 3 is actually terrifying. However, ever since 7.00 and the nerf that came with to him I have stopped. He's my all time favorite hero which is quite a shame.


                                          ^how in gods name do u farm a 15 min aghs on warlock?


                                            -gold 4200


                                              Get 2 refresher so you can refresh the other refresh. Get unlimited ults, unlimited kids, win games :)