General Discussion

General DiscussionToday's a Good day to be a 1k MMR President.

Today's a Good day to be a 1k MMR President. in General Discussion

    I feel so happy my brewmaster was somewhat good enough to get me here.


      That's some real anti mainstream hero choice there xd


        It Hits people in the face when people don't know how to Counter a brew and Then it's easy win lol


          What's the meta like in 1k ? How do u win games w brew?


            ^he hits the enemy ancient


              You know the meta doesn't exist in 2k or below if I can land 4 man chrono every game infront of my barrack and none of my teammates followed up with anything until 2 seconds later and still wins nearly every single game

              The Medic Guy

                lol, 1k and 2k's brain's ping is 322 higher than their in game ping, that's why they too longer time to respond


                  I usually Ban Axe When I play... I have way too meny Losses Beacuse of him and Bad expenses going Agenst him..


                    Laning phase in 1k is always "1v3"


                      Although it's super easy to win in 1k it's super triggering
                      You pick safelaner and these dimwits pick another carry or supports they can't even use
                      Either your support autoattack the creep wave, draw random aggro, single pulls easy camp for no reason ,and talks like he's innocent "carry fast farm" and flames the carry if he fails to do so, or you get some trash carry that also autoattacks and draws aggro randomly with starting item quelling blade, then he proceed to get 5 big items and leave his brown boots stay that way because "who needs to upgrade boots if it'll eventually become BoT haHAA"
                      Shits goes unpunished hard, you can feed shittons of diebacks as a pos 1 and still expect to win the game because nobody push, nobody takes rosh, nobody 5 man, teamwipe? Lets all push 3 different lanes for ez gold xd


                        ^ I don't know how you can go into a 1k match and expect players to be good.


                          I don't expect them to play good
                          I was just stating why its triggering

                          Farm then Carry

                            Good for you OP. Now get to 2K. Do it for me.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              How much would u offer for a 4.2k account?


                                I also get a game in my smurf where pudge runs into 4 ppl and died and flame me "fuck noob invoker only know ss" he told me i can save him in the middle of 5man feelsgeniusman


                                  Of course you could
                                  Invoker = tidehunter confirmed