General Discussion

General DiscussionStuff I report

Stuff I report in General Discussion

    Buying bf on jugg
    Buying Midas on alch
    Never buying wards as rubick(you are not a carry
    And the usual 3, communication abuse, ability abuse, intentional feeding.


      So you dont report feeder?


        He said intentional feeding


          What if ppl are too retard that they dont realise that they are feeding. Its not intentional you know


            I don't report flaming unless it's too abusive. Ability abuse is guaranteed report.
            I also report supp who auto attacks in safe lane and then blame carry for not farming fast.


              Brown boots into big items


                Im giving reports so rarely now, i hate that change you cannot report during the game, wtf this change was so satisfaction report someone right after hea being di*ck or so


                  I only report if I lose. If I win, then there must have been something my team did right to not get reports.

                  Erase Humanity

                    Things I really detest(rarely I report if a lot of this happens) :
                    Auto attacking creep wave
                    Not denying creeps
                    Support farming too much
                    Support not buying ward
                    Support build carry items
                    Carries split pushing the whole game
                    farm alone, push alone, kill alone, rosh alone and get ganked alone carries
                    Stealing courier
                    5 hard carry - mid lineups
                    Feeding and pinging someone else
                    Over pinging
                    Bitching about non intentional KS
                    Laguna blade, finger of death, culling blade and dagon constant KS
                    Not communicating in English

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      Rated 'K' for Kevin

                      K the thread


                        At least half those things u said r retarded. Culling blade isnt a ks ffs.


                          I report those who made us lose the game or made the game hard when we are winning


                            @licetea bf jugg build was the meta months ago, im tired of seeing bf juggs dying to Luna glaives and getting 4 shot by armlet naix


                              I report techies even if he is on my team and I win in the end.


                                Techies of course


                                  BF JUGG U BAN ?
                                  u would ban me if i rape with jugg bf build ?
                                  cmon its 13 14 min item i can still farm manta to 20 abysal to 27 and Skadi or monkey to 35 its allrdy 5 slotted


                                    i dont ban techies unless is smart picked and in ranked




                                        Then do u also ban bf ember, and armlet carry slardar, and magnus without echo sabre, even if u win?


                                          lol how is bf jug ban-worthy?


                                          One can make any item build work on Jug, you just have to know how and when to use it

                                          casual gamer

                                            hwo in the fuck do you not ks with culling blade rofl

                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                              OP dI'd you took our advice of getting more friend and do more outdoor activities to cure your sick mind?


                                                Report for feed, excessive flame, and LC jungling


                                                  @licetea, in my twisted imaginary world, you are in a dark prison filled with mice and we make tea with your lice.


                                                    how can you report carries that spilt push instead of team fight. so you must report AM every game hey. Carries need to pick their fight. if you can get kills then go but if you cant then stay away. no point in dyng and losing time and farm.

                                                    BF has always been a farming item and with the buff and change to cleave you can farm waves fast and push out lanes then run into jungle and farm as you work you way u to the next lane.

                                                    Rubick can be a a position 2 hero as it has been proven this patch. Also midas on Alch give attack speed too and he can get it in 5 mins so why not? with the skill tree, midasing a large creep will give gain you levels fast.

                                                    you are probably one of those players that get into a 6k average game with RTZ or EE and dont listen to them then blame carry for not winning the game.


                                                      and the dudes name is 1-IceTea not licetea.


                                                        LC jungle is fine
                                                        Afk jungling 20 minutes in isn't




                                                            also techies, if played right, is OP. he changed to a team fight hero. just most people dont know how to play him.

                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                              Aww OP when nobody care for you and forgot your previous post I still remember.I was just trying to help but you reply negatively, but I'll forgive you.

                                                              What I mean was from the post and reply I can still see your hate and sadness.You shouldn't have it because life is full of joy and cheerful things,you should start make some friends from rl so that your days will be better.
                                                              Don't thanks me because helping other is my nature even it's just a stranger :smile:

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                              Erase Humanity

                                                                Whole game split push days are gone.


                                                                  what a load of bullshit...reports are supposed to be used for people who intentionally ruin a game. using reports for bad builds/bad players makes the community more toxic not less. if you are reporting people for builds you don't like then you are part of the problem.

                                                                  Erase Humanity

                                                                    Sometimes I encourage my teammate to split push. I have no problem with that. But there are certain people that farm alone, push alone, kill alone, rosh alone and get ganked alone. They are not part of the team at all. I don't like to play with those players.

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      @icetea yeah u have 40% wins on lc. but nice game lul


                                                                        Unless like tidehunter blows ravage to get the kill which was already guranteed I dont get mad with killstealing. I always report feeding and sometimes report communication abuse and almost always report intentional ability abuse and reporting players for bad builds and bad performance is just retarded.

                                                                        Gaming is Dead

                                                                          100% always save one report for techies pickers.

                                                                          They do not deserve sympathy, they are wild animals


                                                                            Does it really matter if your teammates KS? It never really bothered me though even when I first started playing DOTES and @Fight Machine technically Axe ult is usually KS in a sense but that how it works.


                                                                              Alch literally has a midas as an immortal

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                void literally has battlefury as a cosmetic


                                                                                  Alch literally has radiance as a cosmetic


                                                                                    crybaby mids who type GG END MID after they died once middle.

                                                                                    Putsy McCoy

                                                                                      I don't report if someone is just bad (presumably unintentional).

                                                                                      Something that does irritate me and is, in my mind, report worthy, is if some guy on the enemy team sends global chat message to ask other players to report his teammate for not winnignthemmthe game. Gtfo man...

                                                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                                                        stuff i deport


                                                                                          @coupdegrace its fair if enemy is flaming in all chat, and their teammates ask for u to report their flamer.


                                                                                            @1-icetea can't believe u took it seriously, I'm happy you are posting here, u always bring extra spice to a thread, and I'm satisfied with my current life.

                                                                                            Sugar Show

                                                                                              I most of time write this in post-game chat, bit childish but well...
                                                                                              (Console):Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.

                                                                                              Massive Dynamic

                                                                                                Techies pickers, KOTL pickers, and people who say any variation of "EZ" and whatever lane they played in.

                                                                                                Erase Humanity

                                                                                                  If Axe does damage and Culling blades, it certainly is fine. But if you or other teammates do all the damage and an afk axe comes and steal it and repeat it over and over again, it certainly is not fun for anyone.


                                                                                                    ^it doesnt matter thats literally how culling blade fucking works.