General Discussion

General DiscussionFire in the Jungle?

Fire in the Jungle? in General Discussion
Catsys Rivers

    Is Lina a viable jungler? That's not as well worded as it can be. She's not a very good safe lane support, nor a very good mid these days. She can't hard carry and while you can put her in the off lane, she can't really survive solo and she leeches xp needlessly in dual lane. Purely as a roamer, her stun is as viable as Leshrac's, which makes me feel ill in my stomach trying to do. So if she's useless in every lane and has no value except to wrap around safe lane...

    Is Lina a viable jungler if she's absolutely useless everywhere else? There, that's better worded. I just feel like she's the sad child, banished to the corner for doing something bad. Only in this case, its being banished to the jungle because she's Lina. She can clear trees out of the way and cliff jungle minute 1 so there's that. And she can sorta do stacks with Dragon Slave level 2 and a couple clarity potions. I mean in 7.xx where I can't play this hero in any lane, where else is an option to put her if I pick her?


      why you need Lina jungle, when you can ursa?

      Catsys Rivers

        Cause I picked Lina :(


          U can just run her support and pull


            you can repick

            Catsys Rivers

              I try to support with her and pull and I end up not pulling and dying somehow in the same instant. I'm not sure how many people have seriously tried to play her this patch, but nothing is working. I have watched over 2 dozen high bracket games and not seen her win once when she lanes.


                Euls into aether aghs
                Just respect ur squishiness and respect ur dmg. If u can burst em then do it. If they have more dmg then position well. I played mid lina and am trash so do understand my advice isnt that gr8.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  I thought of Jungle too but you need like more than 5 mins and quite a lot of consumables to reach lvl 6 so it's no good
                  Her 1st skill is superior in getting last hits and harassing so you hardly lose lane with proper positioning, therefore you can still play her in offlane and mid
                  All her new talents are quite above average, -25 respawn time, +40 damage, +150 attack range, +1 Fiery Soul stack wooooo


                    summoning Licetea


                      any ranged hero can jungle

                      like my last clinkz game i was jungle coz i fp and my team picked retardedly