General Discussion

General DiscussionAccount buyer/Feeder or Just retarded?

Account buyer/Feeder or Just retarded? in General Discussion

    So I played with this guy a few days ago. He picked PL first and was so surprised the enemy team followed up with counters. I ended up dc'ing because my internet went out and by the time I got back, they were taking rax. Anyway, we decided to report each other, I did for comm abuse, as did the rest of the team, and he decided to report me for intentionally feeding although it wasn't me who was playing( I was dc'd lol). Decided to check out his dotabuff to see what kind of retard this guy could be and lo and behold, look at that shit:

    This guy is doing something, not sure what it is, but its something. He can't possibly be this bad. So I went back to the first few games he played, THEY WERE ALL 5 STACK. Same people. Also check out what their items are at 45+ min into the game.

    How is this guy 4.2k MMR? I do not know. How did he end up in my game and on my team? I don't know the answer to that either.
    Good game, well played.

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    Over 9,000ping

      both, account buyer, feeder, retarded. You'll see those no matter what bracket you are in. Just how people are.


        My similar experience.
        4k is full of calibrated inflated shitlords.
        4k is bad, but he should be at 2 or 3k, for he's worse than an average 4k.
        Instead, the shitstain calibrated his newly made account and plays 40% winrate ranked VHS.

        Not much could be done about that.

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