General Discussion

General DiscussionHELP!! Explain please, why am I @ VHS

HELP!! Explain please, why am I @ VHS in General Discussion

    Hi everyone just wanted to ask why am I playing on VHS. my main account is only 2.9 only. I created this account just to practice Meepo, since i thought if I make new account I will be stack with new players. I won 2 out of my 10 games im so mad bxoz my games still continue on VHS which is hard for me... I wanted to play with around 1-2k mmr players.. should I just go continue and practice my meepo on my main acct at 2.9 which is also I cant win a game with him :P...


    Giff me Wingman

      Winrate: 16.67%



        It's very helpful to play with higher ranked people if you want to improve


          It's because u raped people with meepo at your first game.
          This algo is super fucked with new accounts


            I only see you losing in vhs. Just keep playing and you will hit your lvl of skill for meepo.


              maybe you have really good APM? i think that might matter a lot. like playing heroes such as tinker and meepo, makes sense you get vhs since normal skill players dont normally get the high APM playing those heroes.

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                fuckkk this volvo, I even feed more to get to low prior, and its still on VHS im fackn 3-13 now.. wont stop till I get 5 wins if its still VHS might just go in my main to practice this hero.. cant win on this bracket


                  Feed the first 10 games and enjoy


                    Apm doesnt give mmr thats retarded


                      it actually might. i play heroes that dont need high APM at all and even though i win almost every game im not vhs on this account...


                        Performance =/= winrate


                          Apm =/= mmr


                            i carried like almost every single game that i won though

                            vhs in unranked doesnt mean you deserver 3.8k+ mmr either.


                              Its hidden mmr which works the same as regular mmr so the game thinks u do belong there


                                Lmao u raped one game and valve thinks ur good. And now u have a shit win rate. You'd think valve would realize this

                                Player 404335202

                                  Play on it dude .. Iearn how to play 20 mins with walking cour


                                    guys omg I cant fackn win a single game!!!! sdl;kfghjfg even in low prior why its still vhs and I was checking some profile mostly of them are in fackn 5k mmr.. fuck this shit im gone


                                      well if you keep playing even though its hard, you will become 5k yourself. so you got that going for you which is nice,


                                        why the fuq would I want a 5k I even made this acct since at my 2.9 im having problems winning with meepo zzz

                                        Player 123655765

                                          This is new, "How not to git VHS count: 1".


                                            MidPwn are you being sarcastic? lol I guess the reason behind you being on the VHS is not because the calibrating process is bugged or what, I think you're really good in playing meepo and I'm not talking about high GPM, XPM KDA yada yada. I have 4K MMR on my two account and I only have 34% win rate but hell all that game is so close and as we say GGWP all of it, the key is be very versatile but if you're spamming a hero just make sure not to be selfish I mean buy wards get high assist if you can't get the kill even if you're loosing if you perform very good you'll still be on VHS bracket my friend :)


                                              pick io and see how it goes


                                                Lol this guy want lower bracket


                                                  The reason maybe the complexity of hero and your high apm


                                                    EHHHH so I can pick WK and shitstomp kids without having to worry about getting my hidden mmr above 1000? Sounds gucci


                                                      I heard there was a 5.5k bosnian dumbfuck smurf who loves to spam SK stayed down on normal skill by playing with 1 hand

                                                      Player 404335202

                                                        @midpwn u ll calibrate above 3.8k ... If u dont want this to happen then stop playing here which i dont recommend and is good for u

                                                        The Medic Guy

                                                          your GPM XPM, and last hit.

                                                          Player 404335202

                                                            Ur hidden mmr is currently 4.5k ! Confirm it on opendota


                                                              Giff me that I giff you this account xD

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                my apm is rock bottom, im the lowest of all ten players even playing tinker/chen


                                                                  If you want to get good at meepo, play him over and over in overthrow till you win a solo game.


                                                                    hidden mmr 4.5? I dont get it, why would I reach that im only 2.8, was this bczo of my first game?


                                                                      Just make a new account and feed the first few games

                                                                      Johnny Rico

                                                                        BECAUSE YOU ARE FUCKING DELUSIONAL


                                                                          How to get out of VHS.

                                                                          I'm not sure how to respond.

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                            u are the choosen one, dont let me down son

                                                                            Player 404335202

                                                                              @midpwn yes ... All cuz of that one game ... I suggest u to play srsly .. U might get 4k plus lul


                                                                                This is hilarious :D


                                                                                  Cuki is bosnian? I heard him speak on strim once but heard no accent

                                                                                  Bosnian Blade

                                                                                    y he is :-)
                                                                                    for the VHS guy stop with git gud and u will be dropped fast to NS.


                                                                                      Trying not to be a smurf ? :laugh: