General Discussion

General Discussionwill normal matchmaking still find better ppl than ranked games?

will normal matchmaking still find better ppl than ranked games? in General Discussion

    recently i created a new account and i have been matching with 5k-6k (very high skill after first 5 games ever) every game, last game i got matched with dubu from onyx hes 8.1k

    acc :

    match with dubu :

    i was really surprised that i was getting matched with this ppl so i have to ask this.

    if keep doing like this and the max mmr i can get from calibration is 4.9k then will normal matchmaking still find better ppl than ranked games?

    Ten temat był edytowany

      you just got lucky, don't think your luck will serve you forever


        Probably got lucky
        Plus people go to pub to meme anyway, doubt games are much more challenging unless you compare them to 2k scrub games

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          losing normal game doesnt make you go tilt, so by knowing this you can say that normal games will be far less toxic