General Discussion

General DiscussionAMA

AMA in General Discussion

    Cutest ethnicity

    2d anime grills ))

    Jay the Bird

      How do I help this constant feeling of wanting to love and care for somebody from the bottom of my heart but with knowing the fact that I'll probably never be able to find someone worthy of such affection, or if I do, they'll most likely not love me back in the same way I do?


        Anime girls isnt an ethnicity

        Use chatwhell=mute

          I memorized ur birthday ywn :). Im actually good for it. Btw simple question. how do u get core roles before game starts. 1st pick or argue? How


            do you go into matches with a hero in mind you want to play, or do you adjust to the enemy

            Giff me Wingman

              have to disagree with u there, TA is strong this patch.

              Strong laner, hard to gank, good pusher, high damage output, high mobility.

              The skilltree + pike rly made her stronger than previous patches.

              Also I see a lof of SF's in high mmr. So how exacly he is garbage?


                Cutest IRL ethnicity


                  u are garbage, so its obv that u dont understand

                  casual gamer

                    sf is garbage because he dies to any aggression and everyone knows it so mid turns into 1v3 and tp reactions usually dont save you or result in chain feeding

                    + people pick sf into matchups where you just die if they decide they want to kill you even 1v1

                    monk, tibetan

                      do u like korean pop music


                        how do u get core roles before game starts. 1st pick or argue? How

                        just mark mid and hope for the best


                          do you go into matches with a hero in mind you want to play, or do you adjust to the enemy


                          theres a lot of things about drafting and i could write way too much to explain everything but its important that u play a hero u like as well

                            Giff me Wingman

                              u are garbage, so its obv that u dont understand

                              Says guy who literally lost to me as invoker vs dagonseeker because he diebacked like a retard ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                              Also the guy who had to spam TA in order to get out of 4k bracket topkek


                              Win against me first shitstain

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              casual gamer

                                whats wrong with you

                                casual gamer


                                  one syllable anglo-saxon


                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      blunt with the reaction gifs str8 from the 2012


                                        TA is easy to gank pre lvl 6

                                        casual gamer

                                          nice nick :V

                                          Player 404335202

                                            How to get 4.5k mmr without being one ? Please be nice :-)

                                            casual gamer

                                              convince someone good to play your 10 calibration games on storm/invoker/tinker/ta



                                                bad player

                                                  that blunt guy bought a 6k account 1 year ago lul from some pro player called edko

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    Lmao that blunt must be a total scrub

                                                    bad player

                                                      never forget the time blunt streamed himself "boosting" a 1k mmr acc and lost as antimage LEL


                                                        hm very interesting u suddenly remember so many facts about this game, considering when i linked u this game the first time ~ a month ago, u didnt remember anything and wondered how we managed to lsoe

                                                        and ye u definetly were the reason why we lost

                                                        at this point i can't even tell wether u're trying to make a self deprecating joke or ure actually trying to diss me, either way its ridiculous


                                                          drama PogChamp


                                                            be like me xD

                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                              hm very interesting u suddenly remember so many facts about this game, considering when i linked u this game the first time ~ a month ago, u didnt remember anything and wondered how we managed to lsoe

                                                              and ye u definetly were the reason why we lost

                                                              at this point i can't even tell wether u're trying to make a self deprecating joke or ure actually trying to diss me, either way its ridiculous

                                                              Replay my boy... replay. I had to download and check for myself. Reason your team lost was because that shitty invoker went and did the most retarded dieback in history of dota. Fite me boy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                              Still doesn't change 1:0 for me, meaning u're the inferior loser here. Go home loser.

                                                              @<-( ^▽^)->:
                                                              Damn what a scrub. topkek

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                but sir, replays expire after 8 days or something

                                                                Negative Mental Attitude


                                                                  How did i have higher net worth than drow and qop

                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                    but sir, if you download before it expires it doesn't dissapear after 8 days.

                                                                    Come on loser, don't talk to winners like that

                                                                    also before you ask:
                                                                    I mainly downloaded the replay because of treant, I wanted to know how the fuck that dude got 800+ GPM. I didn't even realize I rekt ur tiny anus. When you send that link i fucking lold so hard.

                                                                    So, me winner, you loser.

                                                                    The relal question is why you don't have blademail.

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                    me, government hooker

                                                                      me win u lose
                                                                      BrokeBack im 3 btw BrokeBack

                                                                      Giff me Wingman


                                                                        4ks hope u die in ur sleep

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          can we make this a meme

                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                            It's already a meme you failfish

                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              i don't see why u keep writing in this thread after embarrassing urself multiple times
                                                                              then again u've done it so many times a couple more won't matter right?

                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                Oh yes I embarrased me by..... uhm..... pointing out that I rekt a guy who says I'm garbage. Idk about you, but you are a smart kid. Can I get your autograph?


                                                                                  Can I get to 5k+ by playing almost exclusively one role and only 8-10 heroes? By constantly learning to play them better and better, of course.
                                                                                  I got to 4k, but are there alot of people further up there, who succeed with such minimalistic hero pools?

                                                                                  Will this backfire me at a certain point in MMR ladder? Like, I'll get countered and dumpstered back to the fucking stone age non-stop?
                                                                                  Always wanted to ask a higher rated player this dumb question, for it's important to me as a 4k trashbag wanting to improve.

                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                    Can u shut the fuck up and stop derailing this thread blunt u dumb shit. No one fucking cares how cool u r and how many times u rekt someone just fuck off from this thread. Same goes to whoever tried to diss u by calling you trash just fuck off no one cares abt ur petty trash a$$ argument.

                                                                                    casual gamer



                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                        @4k Anger Management Practice:
                                                                                        yes, only very few players are equally good at every role.
                                                                                        yes a lot of people have high mmr by spammng 1 hero. Waga for instance got first time 7k by spamming TA only.
                                                                                        yes, either patch will hit you hard or players start to know how to counter.

                                                                                        Your name is daddy, u're normal skill, 99.9% of your replies are nothing but garbage. meaning:

                                                                                        no one cares abt ur petty trash a$$ argument.


                                                                                          Lmao blunt cant think of a good argument so he says im normal skill xD. This has nothing to do with dota so pull the elitism out of ur ass, so someone can shove some fucking logic up the damn hole.

                                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                                            LoL so you ignore everything else but the normal skill comment?

                                                                                            You actually mad because you're shit at dota, topkek. If you want to improve so much then either git gud or just quit the game. No need to be salty because you're horrible. Man kids these days


                                                                                              Stop that nonsense Blunt, Raj isnt even playing game at all, we got the point you rekt whoever so what, every other pub some pro rekt another pro and doesnt whine about it (not saying you are pros but you get my point) xD

                                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                I don't care if he's playing or not. He shouldn't have flamed a guy who has more brain. He should flame monkeys if he wants an even match.


                                                                                                  ruined thread

                                                                                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                                    when did spunki get rekt?