General Discussion

General DiscussionStepping up my game

Stepping up my game in General Discussion

    Hey guys,

    Lately I've been getting into Dota again and while most of the time it's all fun and games, I'd like to step up my game a little bit so I thought that maybe some of the players here who are more familiar with the basics, lane controls, optimizing GPM and XPM would be willing to help out.

    I'm not sure what I should start with, but I think I'd describe my gameplay as Jack of all trades, but sadly, master of none. I can fill in any role, but I'm far from the thought that I can do it effectively. I've seen a lot of posts about how low GPM and XPM is considered 'trash' around here and after checking most of my stats I can confirm I'm pure trash player, haha. But hey, everyone can learn when they're willing to, right? :)

    So, that being said, I'm looking for your advice, feel free to go through my match history, to comment on it, share guide videos and all that, really, it will be appreciated!

    Thanks in advance! :)

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      You ever tried Game Leap? They said it's good but I'll just stick to random youtube videos.

      Negative Mental Attitude

        You need to get more last hits when you play carry. If you can get at least 60 last hits by the ten minute mark and you just kill jungle camps in between killing creep waves you can just faceroll over the enemy team because you'll be 2-3 lvls higher than everyone else

        try to get at least 6.6-10 last hits a minute as a core then most games will be easy

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          Gpm xpm tells u how efficient u are at that game. If you're inefficient you can't be good. If you have more items you have a better chance at winning games. Then it comes down to other decision making aspects. But you usually go with the low hanging fruit such as farming better.


            One of the easiest thing to improve in dota is farming
            Do cookie's challenges, I'll just copy paste the basic/easy ones

            10 min no creep missed (82 lh)
            10 min 80 lh 40 deny, creeps can't either both team's tower, if they do, reset
            10 min 100 LH safelane
            30 min 600 LH


              Thanks for the feedback so far, guys! Yea, I do tend to mess up my farming a lot, thanks for the suggestion to look out for jungle camps when the lane is pushed towards the enemy.

              I usually go with the YouTube videos myself, it's been a long while since I looked at those, maybe I should go back to it, hehe. And cheers for the challenge, let's see if I can follow up on it, will require me to raise my expectations, I usually consider 50 LH by 10 minute mark a decent performance, should focus on making this 70-80.