General Discussion

General DiscussionFavorite Heroes vs. Best Heroes

Favorite Heroes vs. Best Heroes in General Discussion

    Comment your favorite heroes to play and then your best heroes in games.

    Favorite: Invoker, SF, Pudge
    Best: PA, LC, Weaver


      Probably Windranger for both


        Best = highest winrate or what?

        Define best.

        If highest winrate, then applying a minimum games played threshold would make sense, for I could say that e.g. Sniper is my best hero with 1 game and 100% winrate.

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          ^We don't have to be so technical about it, and your example is a rare case where someone is just trying to be a smartass.

          If you want to operationalize "best," we can say that it's the hero you feel most confident with. Yes, it's subjective and personal, but can also be backed with stats if you wish.


            My fav and best hero is timbersaw


              Ok then.

              Best heroes: Timbersaw, Abaddon, Enchantress, Broodmother, Ember Spirit, Treant Protector, Wraith King

              Fav heroes: all the same + Beastmaster

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                Favourites: Oracle, Dazzle, Vengeful Spirit
                Best: Oracle, Vengeful Spirit, Dazzle, Lich

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  I only play my favourite hero,which is I best at

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    my best hero is max strength support morph
                    but my favourite is carry morph

                    Which both I haven't touch a lot

                    dota playerツ

                      Best - Sand King, Venomancer
                      Favorite - Enigma, Crystal Maiden

                        Ten komentarz został usunięty

                          Favorite - Rubick, Riki and CM
                          Best - Rubick, Necrophos and Drow Ranger

                          Feichang Gaoxing

                            Favorite: Abaddon, Ogre Magi
                            Best: Abaddon, Wraith King


                              Fav OD SF
                              Best luna alch

                              Super Senko-san Time

                                Favorite: LS, SF
                                Best: LS, TB

                                monk, tibetan

                                  fave: CM
                                  best: CM :(

                                  Player 345068850



                                      Best : phoenix, warlock, chen
                                      Fav : cm, kunkka, weaver


                                        best: meepo visage

                                        favourite: visage, lone druid, meepo, arc warden


                                          Best: Omniknight, Treant, Clinkz, Natures prophet, lone druid.
                                          Favourite: Natures prophet, lone druid, Techies

                                          Fee Too Pee

                                            Favourite : Huskar , tinker
                                            Best : Huskar
                                            yea i like this hero , got problem m8

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              fav: pa viper weaver slardar
                                              best: weaver viper pa storm

                                              QTG 幸せ

                                                best storm tinker
                                                fav tinker qop ember

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                  Best: Enigma, Treant, Visage (before oatch 7.01)
                                                  Fav: Huskar, Slardar, Undying

                                                  I Quit Dota

                                                    Best : Lycan (All patches)
                                                    Fav : All heroes, I can play them all

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      fav sniper void tinker slark

                                                      best venge cm tree luna mk ember slardar

                                                      ive played some cw recently that hero is super baller


                                                        favourite: riki
                                                        best: riki


                                                          Favorite: Spec, Alch, TA
                                                          Best: Luna, SF, TA


                                                            fave: TA, Anti Mage,Terrorblade,Spectre,SF,PA
                                                            best: slark,aba,pa,ck


                                                              Fav = void, AM, jugg
                                                              Best = fav, spectre, luna


                                                                fav= str: night stalker (best looking hero on the f*ck*ng game), chaos knight (the starting cuote "the kinight eith the clackest armor, has arrive" is just perfect)
                                                                agi: jugg (we all loves samurai), morph (i love one shot ppl)
                                                                int: invoker, rubick, storm (all very funny to play)

                                                                best= night stalker,morphling, bane, venomancer

                                                                Badluck x 10⁻²⁴

                                                                  Best: Ursa
                                                                  Favorite: Meepo , Storm Spirit.


                                                                    Favorite: Techies, With a 5 man team techies can be quite the bitch to deal with especially if you combine him with aghs Nyx and Sniper.Generally also really fun to see saltier than usual enemies.

                                                                    Best: Nature's Prophet, Really flexible hero with lots of variation like Aghs and Octarine or Necro and Deso or Bloodthorn and Hex. Can turn teamfights into 4v5 or even 3v5 if you have necros. Can also gank early at level 4 with sprout or snipe couriers.


                                                                      Favorite: Sniper, Veno, WK, TB, AM, Morph
                                                                      Best: Sniper, Veno

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                        favorite:shadowfiend,lone druid,ember spirit
                                                                        best:shadowfiend,lone druid,ember spirit LuL?


                                                                          Fav: morph, pudge,
                                                                          Best: morph, fv and naix

                                                                            Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                                                              Favorite: Phoenix,Techies,Weaver
                                                                              Best: Shadow Shaman,Phoenix,Necrophos


                                                                                nvoker for both


                                                                                  same as zdonfrank :thinking:


                                                                                    meepo meepo meeeeeepo