General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you actually play clinkz?

how do you actually play clinkz? in General Discussion

    i want to play this hero, but im not sure how to play him. like, when do i start hunting heroes (after what items), when is his strongest powerspike, is he viable in this meta, etc... pls help me xd


      You should be able to gank your own lane at lv3 with a point in q, W, e as long as you dont spunk your mana pool trying to CS with your arrows in the first 3 mins of the lane.

      From there no reason not to build orchid since most heros have either a stun or escape.

      If you are fighting, go deso+pike.
      Ratting: BoTs
      Most mid games you are going to get dusted and sentried like mad and clinkz is paper so you dont want to get blinked on. I prefer the rat build but thats just me.


        well, i understand the item build, but like i dont know should i go around killing people as soon as i finish my treads/aquila/lance/blightstone (i play in the hardlane mostly or mid so thats around min 12 or so) or should i farm something like orchid or deso before going?

        also i see people go for linkens, i think i ought to consider that item more.

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          Pretty sure deso > orchid cuz it is cheaper and abuses ur huge lvl 7 powerspike. With soul ring deso u can already push towers rlly fast. Afterwards tho a bloodthorn is good, but going orchid first imo is too slow. Bkb is almost always mandatory for fighting but if u can get away with skipping it then do it. Skadi stacks with the arrows. Crits r nice. I roam at lvl 6/7 and rotate from lane to camp to lane on death pact cd.


            Clinkz has a huge power spike at lvl 15 with that +30 burning arrow dmg. But usually you can go gank a lane quite early, but that depends on your own lane of course. Most of the time I build desolator and just rat.


              You right click until ancient explodes. Never stop right clicking.


                Imo dlance is nice but the raw dmg of deso is more threatening. Also hardlane clinx sounds bad unless u dual lane it, cuz clinx wants to snowball and he needs a few items hella fast for that. Ive tried mid clinx and its ok in lower mmr but in higher skill games i wud imagine u wud get the shit ganked out of u. U also have no wave clear. My build is aquila > treads > soul ring > deso > whatever i need.


                  also consider diff blade.. IMO he is not good in the meta..


                    🍪 told me clink was a fine offlaner at least in 6.88 times

                    Also in pubs you must play every possible 1 carry like offlaner because you never get support nd almost always its an aggro dual-lane against you.

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                      I think you can start your 1st gank when you get lv 6 and soul ring. Gank successful:tower
                      Gank fail:keep farming. Personally i really like ratting when my team is losing. I would go dlance deso bkb bloodtorn.


                        Ye he is fine in a dual vs dual or something but he seems bad as a traditional 1v3 offlaner

                        Story Time

                          what sup will fit him best? Venge or smth like shadow demon?


                            Bloodlust seems strong with him.

                            Story Time

                              ogre can be indeed good. CM gives mana and stun but then she is also squishy. I would liek to try bloodseeker support with kilnkz for fun :)


                                Offlane Clinkz is horrid. Maybe shrines make it slightly better but it still seems awful. Supports don't really matter for Clinkz as you are a super strong laner and you generally just want a solo safelane matchup for more xp while your support roams/pulls. Go treads+aquila+sr+medallion+blight, max your ww by 9 not arrows at 7, play ultra aggressive as soon as you have medallion and let your pos 4 take lane, extension is generally lance->deso so you keep your tempo.

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                                  Isnt deso better than medallion? How doth thou scaleth with a medallion?

                                  casual gamer

                                    hit buildings or heroes

                                    rosh with hotd ult buff and a tank creep if u like

                                    high dps, dont get stunned

                                    be mindful of your cds, eventually buy pike

                                    cool hero, theres this 6k with nick "A R T E E Z Y" spamming him and has v high winrate


                                      IMO I recognize how squishy Clinkz is, which is why I likr going with a brown boots > blightstone > aquila (for mana, armor, attack speed, and HP)> treads (so you can treadswitch) > dlance (for HP, attack speed, and damage), then depending on whether I want to kill or push, orchid or deso (orchid for killing, deso for pushing).


                                        Once you get orchid you can hunt all the squishy enemy heroes, but make sure you time wind walk properly so you can get out after hitting the enemy hero


                                          Once you get orchid you can hunt all the squishy enemy heroes, but make sure you time wind walk properly so you can get out after hitting the enemy hero


                                            Thing is u can melt squishies with deso too, and its cheaper and it helps u melt towers. Orchid first item seems to greedy maybe second item after deso into bloodthorn or bkb. With a lance in between. I feel like clinx falls off too hard for u to be being greedy, better imo to abuse ur early spikes with deso dlance into bkb or straight crits if im rlly unstoppable.

                                            casual gamer
                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                thx jdf8


                                                  Gank, Kill, Snowball

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                                                  one-man bukakke

                                                    Ns thrash here.

                                                    You know, here at 2k you better have a core for backup wen you mid cant create space and your carry cant actually carry.

                                                    First, you need to be solo laning. Get a basilus (you can actually last hit with w and don lose all your mana if you get basilus) and some tangoes. Then, Brown boots, Soul ring and depending on the lineup, you start building an orchid, or a desolator(min 13-18 is ok) (I prefer desolator). You go every two mins at the enemy jungle, eat the big creep and let the small ones. Try to look for ganks wen you have your first damage item or if you have a cooperative team, just aid then. Then, entering the mid game you want to tank up. You go for dragonlance (pyke, if you want) and if there is a blademail on the other team, or some minus armor aura, you go for AC. In this stage you want to teamfight or rat.

                                                    Lategame clinkz is rat machine. You can go for more damage(mkb, bloodthorn, daedalus (lvl18 r gives a lot of HP)) or maybe you want to go for a more carry orientend build, with skadi or some shit.

                                                    Keep in mind that maybe you are going to need a BKB or a Linkens, but being the offlaner maybe the enemy team is just aiming at your carry or midlaner and you barely get stunned or nuked down. If you are the one actually carryng the game, go for what you need.

                                                    And never. NEVER break invisibility if you have E on cd. And keep in mind using your r to farm big creeps in the enemy jungle if its safe.

                                                    one-man bukakke

                                             Im not that good, but i think im persistent and the hero is pretty effective in low skill bracket


                                                        well im talking 3.5k+ gameplay, i know perfectly well how to kill ns trash using clinkz.

                                                        one-man bukakke

                                                          im sorry i think?


                                                            no problem