General Discussion

General Discussiondoes PMA help ? how do u guys choose hero ? give me some tips dotabu...

does PMA help ? how do u guys choose hero ? give me some tips dotabuff frnds in General Discussion

    Do u use any counterpicker guide ? How u guys deal with trashtalkers who TT from the very beginning of the game ! I want to raise my mmr and want to improve as a player too ! I ll do anything that helps ! Please answer who actually gained lots of mmr ! Thanku and no TT please

    casual gamer

      mute them

      find the hero you are good at that is op and pick him over and over again, figure out what you can do to win where you lose with him, either change of item or playstyle

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        Ok sir , i ll do it ! Cz i want to be 5k someday

        Gabba Gabba Games TTV

          techies most op hero in game only play techies tecihes is love techies is life


            Does PMA Help?
            I think it does. But it is only noticeable when you communicate with your team. I'm no pinnacle of MMR, nor a pinnacle of sportsmanship. But even I can see how helpful it is. It means nothing if you are positive yourself, you have to spread it too your team. But don't be like RTZ. Every moment you communicate with your team, there should be NO possible way they can think your mad/displeased with them. Of course you can be disgruntled with your team, but there is actually no reason to let them know you are. Just direct them, just don't be a dick.

            How do I choose my hero?
            I have a box of comfort heroes, you can see it in my Most Played. I pick any of those. Make your own box, and make sure it's moderately diverse. As to actually choosing inside that proverbial box, I pick what I think will be nice with my team. Until you get to a higher skill cap (this is an assumption as Im not at a particularly high skill cap) pick off of your team. Not the enemies.

            Do I use any counterpick guides?
            No, just make your picks off of what fits with your team.

            How to deal with trashtalkers?
            You mute them, you don't reprimand them, and you don't ignore them. Play with them, you just don't need to hear them.

            You want to climb MMR?
            Lose. Be okay with Losing, to have the mindset that you must win every game only sets you up for failure. If you're tilted or you're playing off, don't play. It's a matter of discipline and understanding. The Discipline to continue going if your disheartened from previous games. And the Understanding is knowing that failure is an option. And it's a fairly common one/


              Well stated sir


                @rodrak ! Nice mate !:-)


                  pma helps everywhere until you start to lose all your games.


                    Focus on using comfort heroes.


                      I would win many more games if i could maintain pma, but saying is easier than doing


                        1. does pma help?


                        2. HOW DO U GUYS CHOOSE HERO ?

                        i spam my best

                        3. Do u use any counterpicker guide ?

                        no need, i just spam my best and let my enemies counter me. but in reality they have no idea how to play those counters so i just trash them.

                        4. How u guys deal with trashtalkers who TT from the very beginning of the game !

                        like tripple steal would say MUTe them