General Discussion

General DiscussionSweet comeback feels so good.

Sweet comeback feels so good. in General Discussion

    Feels so goooood. Am I right people?


      i enjoy clean stomps more




          Depends but yeah sometimes.


            Karma is the best


              20 min games feels better


                ^ yeah faster games are much better 20min - 30min that's the ideal endgame period.

                Player 345068850

                  Well i feel like those games when the enemy could end the game but got greedy hitting heros rather than buildings and allow us to comeback in one push feels the best.


                    It's not that satisfying imo tbh
                    Especially when it's because of the enemies' stupidity instead of my team's competence
                    I enjoy surgical stomps more, those games where everything went smoothly and your team punishes the enemy team for every stupid shit they do, feels amazing


                      I usually cringes hard after I win that kind of game and think "well at least I won" and proceed to wonder what the fuck happened

                      Shikanoko Noko

                        yeah in the end its +24.

                        Story Time

                 sometimes it is a pure wonder, how did that happen?

                          Player 345068850

                            Lol me2...i feel good especially doing those comeback with frens

                            Not Saske

                              ^ tinker feed intentionally.
                              does not count.

                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                20 min games feels better

                                Best feeling ever. +25 mmr.

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  ^^It's a rank game it count!

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    Riki went mid and mid laner wanna be,we convinced tinker to throw and end this game fast,it's a communication skills.


                                      I just had an invoker game where at min 25 we had taken all 3 racks and were about to end the game, when I thought I'd buy a rapier on invoker for the memes and alacrity 2shot their tinker. I forgot that they had a medusa however and I misplayed hard and lost the rapier, which made the game last another 20+ mins I believe. The whole time I was getting shit from my teammates, so that's something I won't be doing again anytime soon


                                        *the game dragged on for over an hour


                                          Hahaha communication skills. If only I can induce everyone on enemy team to throw, and be 9k. 9k communication skills

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            A comeback especially feels good when you party with your friends. After that we either celebrate or a good night sleep


                                              Won by pure ratting im sure bulldog would be proud. They try to throne while i take mega creep and when i got mega creep i purposely die and buyback because i have no tp scroll. And i defend they throne. We farm the entire map and win by ratting their throne when they try to push mid XD