General Discussion

General DiscussionDisplaying more public information before games

Displaying more public information before games in General Discussion

    Wouldn't it be great if you could show information such as your mid win rate , offline win rate , supp win rate etc for every month on your profile whilst entering a ranked game. i always seem to lose my ranked games if i don't play mid and at my mmr people just pretty much instalock mid or contest you heavily for it . The way i see it you have to be better than the other people in your bracket to climb right . But if you can't play your best position or a hero you are very comfortable with your putting yourself at a disadvantage before the game starts. I know I'm not very high skill but i try my best each game but some roles are more impactful than others and mids a role that for me personally makes the most impact in the game. Ive comeback from games that seem unwinnable just by creating space and drawing the game out. Btw my win rate mid for the past 6 months has been 62.41 to give some credibility to my statement.

    What are your guys thoughts on the topic?
    Sorry for the long text i tried to make it as concise as possible.
    Would appreciate the reply, input etc


      Sure it'd be nice ! But probably this wont happen cuz if some1 wants toplay mid with last month winrate of 46 , his teammates wont allow ! And valve is against trashtalks i guess

      Swap Commends

        Let me tell u what Valve is thinking after seeing this thread:
        "How to sell new hats"


          yeah i get what you mean but in ranked people care about winning at least most people do and if you you do badly in that position your just dragging your team down


            Heyy that's pretty good


              i might be very good if it is something like: you cant pick heroes you have sub 50% winrate with in ranked match (you can still pick freely in normal matches )


                yeah exactly I don't think anyone cares about normal matches anyways i only play normal for fun or to learn new heros, it just makes sense


                  no, this is terrible and insanely biased and stupid


                    At least explain why,all you've done is make a statement, why is it stupid ?


                      Don't like this idea too.


                        who's better:

                        6k mid player with 50% winrate
                        3k mid player with 60% winrate


                          It wouldn't be compulsory just an add on like showing your mmr in game, just to add more credibility to yourself, if you don't show it just mean people have less to go on, therefore naturally they'll have less confidence in you


                            Yes but it would be relative to your bracket I don't get paired up with 6ks so I don't see your point


                              because of all the possible things that will go wrong, here's some of them:

                              induces flaming

                              someone had bad luck last month, he had lets say 40% winrate on lets say pos 1(carry) but he only played 10 matches with that role, all he did is lose 1 more game than he won. so what will happen is people will distrust that person and flame him for any mistake he'd make.

                              false data/biased data, not allowing people to pick their roles

                              someone can get 75% winrate with support and 47% winrate with carry, yet he played 4 games of support but 100+ games of carry.
                              that wouldn't be bad because he has 75% winrate? ofc it's bad, because he's currently stable with his carry and his mmr didn't change really much, like -100 in that month.

                              the thing comes when you force people into that role that they can't play, he can't play support at the level of his carry. that 75% could've been when he got lucky and got carried, or played with friends.

                              same with the previous one, one guy can have 80% winrate, but he only played 5 matches on that role. now he can abuse/flame his teammates to give him that role because of his magical 80% winrate.

                              even if you put in the amount of matches, all that would do is reduce the fake data. except the sample size is always small, this doesn't help you unless someone played 200+ matches each month, using multiple roles.

                              and obviously majority of the people won't be able to play 200+ matches every month. and tons of other issues.

                              it's defiantly the best to not showing data(like they did with hiding games on profile for non-friends) because it reduces flame.

                              what your idea would do is increase flame in the game by an insane amount, making games worse for everyone.


                                Just pick mid first. If you're that comfortable with it it shouldn't be a problem


                                  and i've proven this 10000 times, your teammates don't matter up to 6k mmr

                                  they just don't, you can win at least 90% games no matter what your teammates play given that you can actually play the game.

                                  after 6k, all you have to know is give the guy who's higher than you his role and you'll be fine.

                                  and even if they had your idea, that data will be useless as 7ks get mached with 4ks. a 4k with 70% winrate mid, is no where close to a 51% winrate on a 7k mid.


                                    Firstly thank you for explaining yourself
                                    If your having a bad month just choose not to show your data,simple as that.

                                    Flamings a big part of the game anyways I know it's sad but I've just come to accept it, it's already incredibly high anyways i doubt this will make much difference. I've had people call gg over a FB over a rune or a pa that's gone 2 butterfly's just to be countered by an item that the enemy carry a we're going to build anyway.

                                    Do you think it's fair for others to lose just because someone doesn't understand their role properly or itemises correctly etc.

                                    This is just an idea ATM so if your saying the sample size is too small we could set a threshold of let's say 20 games before you can show your stats.

                                    Anyways this is just an option at the end of the day, if it ever got implemented.Its like how you 5ks constantly complain about getting paired up with 4ks wouldn't it be nice to know what roles/ heros they play well beforehand, just like eveyone knows that your a good sk , so I'd assume they wouldn't contest you for offlane if it's a good pick for the situation


                                      But you've got to take this it's a pinch of salt and some common sense ,of course theirs a difference between a 4K mid and a 7k mid so using your common sense you could just tell , it's like ATM I'm only 3478 or something like that I can't compare myself to someone a 1000 mmr higher than me the highest mmr I've ever gone mid against was 4.7 (friend on my friend list) and he beat me 2 times in a row if there wasn't a difference between us I would be 4.7k


                                        Do you think it's fair for others to lose just because someone doesn't understand their role properly or itemises correctly etc.

                                        yes it is, because at least 1 of those other 4 could've compensated for that 1 guy's bad gameplay. they're to blame the same amout as he is.

                                        given a theoretically perfect player, he'd win at least 98% of the games, no matter what his teammates do.

                                        and given just a good player(6k+) he'd win at least 90% of the games if he was given a 1 mmr account and had to get it to 5k+

                                        the thing is, we have a thing in 5k+, the 5k gets his role and the 4ks can shut up. it's simple as that.

                                        you can give me any pair of 4k players, and i'll trash them 1v2, not to mention 1v1.

                                        a sample size of 20 is waaay too small to mean anything, and up to 6k you can win every game without any teammates doing ANYTHING, and after 6k you still have to give your 7k+ players the roles they want if you want a chance to win.

                                        so even a 5k+ with 50% winrate that month on his role is still 100x better than a 4k with 70% winrate on that role.

                                        last time i recall that i played in 3k, i won literally every game from 2k to 4k.

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                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          Report OP


                                            At the end of the day as much as you say that core roles win games , that's why I always feel sorry for the supports since they give up everything to help their cores succeed but mid to late sure you can throw some disables out save teamates with forcestaff, glimmercape but your completely reliant on your cores to win the game, that's why I always commend supports if I see they've made an effort, not taking into account if we win or lose. I'm guilty of not wanting to play support for the above reason unless I'm in party so I have people I know I can rely on.

                                            And thinking about it again your right it is too small a sample size. I don't know then i guess it isn't really possible to implement it if you look at it from the bigger picture


                                              i said given a theoretically perfect player, that player can play any role not just core. i just used core as an example

                                              a defiantly non-perfect 6k support can easily win 90%+ games from 1-5000 with support.

                                              your role/hero DOES NOT MATTER in low mmr, it just doesn't.

                                              you might be 3k and it's hard for you to understand this, but given a 3k avg match a 6k+ player will win it consistently with only 1 hand, and this isn't even over exaggerating:

                                              i remember taking a challenge from a friend to play a 3k match with 1 finger on each hand, i ended up 10/0.

                                              i'm fairly certain that i can boost someone from 2k to 4k with only 1 hand without problem.

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                                              Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                "i might be very good if it is something like: you cant pick heroes you have sub 50% winrate with in ranked match (you can still pick freely in normal matches )"





