General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease help me!

Please help me! in General Discussion

    Hola, I am 100 mmr but want to climb! In my mmr the word support is a cursed but i want to climb! Can you list some aggressive supports that can kill like for example skywrath please? I want to climb!


      Ogre, venge, cm are all pretty good (cm is debatable) but theyre rlly fun for me to play and at 1k thats a decent consideration.


        Lich have super high impact beyond what you imagine in low mmr.
        He destroy them in Lane by just clicking E ( I once ended with both enemies lvl 3 by min six) and in fights they just don't know how to play around your ulti . And if the game went late you transit to a 4th/5th carry with lvl 20/25 talents

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          Thank u so much! if theres any more let me know! im trying to spam the most fun one out of the aggresive supports!


            Lich is good but not aggressive fyi. Try supporting/roaming with monkey king and bh too. You can also try riki but his damage is so low i feel like it tbh may be harder to roam with him early but maybe someone better at that type of shit can comment further and correct me if need be.


              Go with a semi-support Pudge if you really want to get aggressive or start to get bored of the full support game. You can also go with Omni and dominate early game with Wind Lace, Orb of Venom and get the skill that slows enemies. Great for zoning and killing.