General Discussion

General Discussion5.5k mmr to 7k mmr sea

5.5k mmr to 7k mmr sea in General Discussion

    can somebody analyze how he reach 7k mmr in just 1 month i mean, if you have 60% winrate + you can get 7k in less than 2 months?? this is the guy

    Ten temat był edytowany

      He got gud


        in just a little bit of time and new updates what a lucky player


          how did he even get that high mmr in calibration


            its not calibrated he have 2k matches, i mean maybe not updated on dotabuff.he is on my friendlist thats why i know how fast he reach 7k


              how did he start playing ranked after just 4 unranked games?


                he didnt expose his match history before, he has way more matches

                also i dont understand ops question, tbh


                  its definitely possible if he has more games,nothing out of the ordinary here.

                  Won't care, Don't care. XD

                    analyze :
                    check his/her total match and win rate in this month

                    126(61.11%) = 76.9986

                    round it to 77*25(avarage + in mmr) = 1925

                    nothing wrong with that.
                    he play well, and gud.


                      Is it possible that he improve really fast


                        I think it's much more likely that he was that good all along and only recently started spamming ranked games than he improved 1500 mmr worth of skill in 2 months.


                          ^ i think this reply is the answer


                            And me im here stuck in 5.6 for godsake

                            Ryan Gosling Fan

                              He got only 130 games and Maximum calibration is 5k??? Sth is terrible wrong Here.


                                ^its not updated calm yourself

                                basement :)

                                  He will probably be a competitive player soon.

                                  Ryan Gosling Fan

                                    Im retard.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      by exposing your public match data for the first time after playing ranked, it's not that hard.


                                        The alternate theory I have is sea mmr is inflating. Look at everyone getting unbelievable amounts of mmr within short time and around the same period.


                                          TROPA KO YAN MALAKAS YAN WAG KAYO MGA HATER MGA BOBO!