General Discussion

General DiscussionBest offlaners of the meta?

Best offlaners of the meta? in General Discussion
RoadToHerald - 1


    EnDurance (3Pos)

      Ds, Ench, Bristleback. My opinion only.


        Underlord, Centaur.
        Probably Sand King (this one's biased) xD


          Ench is bad now tbh.
          I know that very well, because I've spammed her and I consistently play offlane since I was 2k. Could elaborate on that one if needed.

          In pubs, you pick Timber, Abaddon, Brood, Underlord, Lone Druid, Necrophos or Treant Protector offlane to win at this moment.

          Every other option is just mostly weak or too team-oriented.

          These are those I know very well of.

          Ai has replaced me

            techies is pretty good this patch

            Feichang Gaoxing

              Abaddon legit af. Just dont go for that stupid carry build.

              Father Jack from Marketing

                Necro, but suffers against trilanes and 2 or more stuns / slows


                  I've tried two efficient offllane Aba builds.

                  One is Greaves into Vlads/dagger/pipe.

                  The second is Phase into Vlads, then either Radiance+Shivas or Aghs+Pipe, depending on how bad my team is.

                  Both are really efficient. Grinded my way up with him.

                  The latter build is better, as it enables you to also be a semicarry situationally, which enables you to win games, when your team is bad (e.g. games like these

                  With pure utility build it is very hard to come back if your team has bo damage.

                  Offlane solo Aba is very very strong in my experience, at least in my dumpster.




                      this thread has been reposted at least three times in the last week

                      centaur, batrider, slardar, underlord


                        Necrophos is pretty strong so far.


                          Only tried LICH but he feels better then ever in the solo lane


                            For the OFFlane abba builds.

                            How do you guys go about playing him? Hyper aggressive? what skill build do you do?



                              I play him exclusively as a SOLO offlaner. No dual lanes almost ever.

                              In case of a 1x1 matchup I go aggressively and harrass the carry. If I am vs a weak dual lane, I go aggressive too.

                              If the enemy safelane doesn't know how to play and pushes the lane to my tower, I just farm under the tower.

                              In worse cases (tri-lanes with constant pulls), I go jungle the offlane creep spots. I rush the Iron Talon.

                              1 point ability is situational, but usually W.
                              And my second level I also go situational: Q if I am staying in lane (so I can cs from afar and deny myself just in case), E if I am vsing a strong lane and need to go jungle, as it makes jungling that much easier.

                              On my 3rd I have 2 points in shield and either curse or the coil.

                              I get either Q or E on my 4th, depending on which one I haven't skilled on lvl 2.

                              E is also useful on the lane, as in case you need to run, you can hit a creep and get an amplified MS.

                              By lvl 7 I am 1-4-1-1 always. And then I max coil all the way and only after that do I max the curse.

                              Why? Because lvl 4 coil is essentially the healing of lvl 3 Omni's Purification with a ~4 sec cd. The skill is just too strong, while you can be well off with just 1 point in curse.

                              I've used to go arcanes->mek and only then (min 13-14 or so) I'd leave the lane and ask my team to move as 5. Then I'd go greaves into Vlads/Glimmer/Blink Dagger/Aghs/Pipe/Aghs+Refresher, etc.

                              You never put a shield on before a fight. You use it to dispel crowd control.

                              You don't stay back, but go all the way in and hit a tower/an enemy. Curse amplifies all the attack speed of everyone attacking the target. This is crucial not to be passive and not to stay back.

                              Lately I've started going Phase into Vlads, then into either Radiance+Shivas (greedy, but very strong) or into Aghs and then Pipe/BM. This is my new suggeted build.

                              If your team is bad Rad+Shivas is a super strong comeback build, semicarry core.

                              If you can rely on them, you build Aghs+Pipe/BM and play utility core.

                              I figured that the Greaves build was good and I won games, but many I have lost because I had no way to impact the game if team is bad.

                              Now it's like I always have two pathways.

                              Radiance into Shivas games examples (VHS ranked):



                              Plain Aghs into something:


                              The Greaves build (my old games, gained over a thousand MMR since):



                              Btw, Blink Dagger is a solid item on Aba.

                              P.S. with Phase+Vlads you start to be active, once you buy these two items: carry a tp and farm, in case the enemy dives someone, you save tp them, shield+coil the damaged teammatw and reengage the fight.

                              You play like an Omniknight would in this regard, except you must farm whenever possible, without hurting your other cores.

                              Later you just right-click a single enemy in a fight to apply the Curse and throw Coils all around, dispels. This is the actual strength of this hero.

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                @TUTZ X3

                                Thanks for the information. I've never tried solo offlane abba before , usually an axe+abba duo or something.
                                I would agree with you on the Greaves Idea, I can recall that I quickly became Irrelvent later on if A core died in the fight early or something. Id love to try the Rad Shiva, I just feel that abba is always suppose to save ppl and fight, how do you find time to farm those items?



                                  nyx, fv, tide, axe, mk, timber, dark seer, undying, weaver, brood, and bat


                                    You always carry a tp and farm your lane/jungle spots/enemy jungle if possible.

                                    You will farm fast due to the shield damage on creep camps. You put on a shield, blow it by applying the new one and by the time the second's blown, chances are, the camp is clear.

                                    You find farm the same way any other greedy offlaner like Lone Druid would, except you also try to be omnipresent with tp scrolls.

                                    But never contest your 1-2 pos. farm. Find yours. You can also farm ancients with just Phase and Vlads with bo problems. Curse also amplifies the farm speed.

                                    Extention to your Rad+Shivas should almost never be damage right-click items.

                                    You inflict the damage in the same way the Alchemist does. You don't really right click, but burn everything around you, slow and deal shield/coil damage all around.

                                    Shivas are way better than AC, as it combines with this aspect very well.

                                    Good extentions after Shivas/Rad would be BM/Pipe/Veil/Aghs/Mjolnir.

                                    Chances are, with your armor/shields/resistance, the enemies would be dead before they kill you due to insane Radiance burn+shields+coils+BM.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      mostly tempo heroes that only need 1 button to work properly


                                        Timbersaw is also a super-strong offlane if you just find the right way to build him.

                                        God knows how much pts I've gained playing him.

                                        Not a single game have I played him mid.

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          Thanks Man, I'll consider that. I just always feel like if I am Abby I need to be sitting near the carry and if they jump him run in with a coil and shield .

                                          I suppose thats what a TP is for eh!

                                          appreciate the input


                                            That would be a support Aba.

                                            I don't care about the pos. 1-2 as an offlane spammer.

                                            This should be the job of your supports.

                                            You just save with your Shields/Coils, whenever it's possible FOR YOU, not for your carry, who may be diving enemy T2 and feeding.

                                            I always think of myself first. What I do and why during the game.

                                            I am still trash, but only after I have acquired such a philosophy, have I gone up from 2150 to 4k. All the way through almost exclusively offlane.

                                            The sole reason, why I created this thread is because I just don't understand how to play some other offlaners efficiently and expected at least one guy to come here and say "hey, I have 150 LD games at 62% around your rating".

                                            Be helpful, but don't try to force yourseld into decisions, which you deem bad for the game.

                                            Don't be an A-hole, but neither try to wipe someone's bumhole. Just be situationally willing to help.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              Best one in pro scenes
                                              And no slardar is now a supp :)


                                                Mirana, oh wait

                                                DOOM: ETERNAL is now playing

                                                  Elder titan ... once your enemies lose tier 2 towers the game is won.. played him like 6 times this patch lost only once with 5 kda ratio... and the only time I have lost was because we had literally zero push.... trust me on this one you pick et ... you do fine in lane ... you win team fights alone .... your team takes 2 towers and you take highground ... the hero is very strong this patch where the dominant heroes are either incredibly tanky like centaur ...or those who are the likes of slark which et is so good against you build tranquils soulring blade mail and euls then crimson or pipe ... game never actually went after that for me I won every game by the time I have crimson....the lane itself isnt gonna be fun tho

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    im 99% sure slardar is the best, hands down. his stuns ridiculous and has no cd. if you get fat you can go pick people with sb and make a fuckton of space, otherwise you just get force / tank up and stun over and over

                                                    abaddon and necro are super strong because abaddons unkillable with lvl 6 (by the time ur vulnerable ur whole fucking team can have mass tped), necro passively kills the safelaner and has insane kill / turn potential at lvl 6, hes just vulnerable early levels which is fine a lot of the time


                                                      Monkey king is pretty good offlane actually.