General Discussion

General DiscussionDoom position 3 or 4?

Doom position 3 or 4? in General Discussion

    So after this patch is doom still the roamer that he used to be because he seems to unreliable in a core role and support can still carry auras and doom without core farm priority etc...

    Ten temat był edytowany

      I tried doom, never again will I play that hero this patch. He's so bad lmao


        Any advice for either position?


          What to buy on pos 4 doom with devour gold? Would a force or blink be ok

          Pale Mannie

            doom is too shit unless he is 6 slotted

            Pale Mannie

              mild inconvinience


                Is doom really that ass?


                  Doom is just not that good bruhh...
                  But ya if u want to play then play at 4 get force better...
                  And chose ur auras nicley and wisely..
                  I would also try to get Midas for gim for flash farm and at times i build crimson pipe and become a tank for the team


                    Idk not a doom player my self but for me doom is always a core position. Sure, you can be position 4 but it's pretty bad. It's not worth picking this hero and having it without net worth only for R button. I would say position one or three is the best and you should build aura/stat items & mek to push, snowball and fight early. However, this hero is pretty weak anyway since there are better team fight option like luna or semi carry necrophos with mek. Or try to win vs dragon lance sniper or drow. It's a nightmare. As for auras, now HotD is broken so I see it in almost every game. So you can dom a creep and have same benefits. There's a dude on dotabuff who buys it on treant in everygame and it's pretty good. It's just doom dont have this fight presence without networth. Sure it's imho, cuz not a doom player. And yeah, the meta changed and we don't have Sven&Spectre&Invoker every game for doom to be efficient.


                      Your points are actually very valid and I don't see a way to remedy

                      casual gamer

                        yeah dooms awful XD