General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes anyone get ms talents?

Does anyone get ms talents? in General Discussion

    Really, most heroes have 20 ms talents but hey, u can get those 20 ms with 250 gold item already. I mean, c'mon, 10 str costs 1000, 250 ms costs 250, so why take ms?

    Not Saske

      for more ms


        and no, i'm no jew

        Not Saske

          i choose 20ms in kotol instead 6 str, so i can sell my boots for dagon


            I always favor ms talents over others. Taking ms on WK and Necrophos over stats/hp. However, hp is also great.

            Imho feels like its easier to snowball with ms rather than hp.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              That wind lace is almost always going to be sold to make room for another item

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                It's the slot and stacking space you can have that gives value
                Plus if you're high combative power low chase, ms then.


                  Wind lace is insanely cost effective for its price, comparing it to other items isn't really fair as it isn't slot effective which is why people typically don't buy/carry one for ages.


                    depends on the hero. the only person its kinda a must on is ursa, and thats a lvl 20 talent. I wish his talents weren't so awful...

                    Pale Mannie

                      Keeper of the Lightspeed


                        Ms always


                          I get it on OD still not sure I its worth, feels good.


                            hmmmmm i dont like getting hp items just for hp, so id always take stats/hp from talent tree unless the alternative is much better (like agility on an agi carry or sth or cd reduction)... is that very bad of me?

                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                              Movespeed buff rules.

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                i pretty much only take ms talents only when the other one is even worse or when ms is rly important for this hero


                                  ^same here


                                    People undervalue movespeed for some reason, but looking at the winrates it is usually the better option, even if slightly (see wk, morphling, necro). There are plenty of items that give stats, but there are only so much that give ms. Wind lace is cheep and good but:
                                    a) you can have it AND the talent
                                    b) it's not probably going to stay with you for all the game
                                    If choosing between ability to tank a few more hits with extra stats or to run away with more ms than enemy and take no damage at all (or to chase if you are winning) - I prefer the latter

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                    Bosnian Blade

                                      almost every game ms over other talents


                                        BOSANAKI MAC


                                          in 7.00 with the bigger map more movement speed means more farming speed since you move faster between camps and better positioning in fights

                                          the realm's delight

                                            fuk no


                                              Chessie got it on outworld devourer are you saying fuck no to chessie god