General Discussion

General DiscussionI had a fucked up dream last night, and I remembered everything

I had a fucked up dream last night, and I remembered everything in General Discussion

    It was like this: I was in my mom's country(China). I woke up in the evening, for some reason I was missing a piece of my Skull, and I have extreme headache. I showed my parents what happened to me. They both said "k, go to the hospital then." They had no intention of carrying me to the hospital. I took their car key and drove off.(Idk why I don't take the bus, I never drove a car before, I only past the driving knowledge test). So I finally arrived at the hospital, alone and scared. Then I have to register and make an appointment with a doctor.(I didn't get immediate treatment, nobody cared) I was instructed that I'll meet the doc at room B12, but there was no room numbers anywhere in the hospital, I wondered out of the hospital, into a forest, there was huge mushrooms on the ground, and I see a man with tiger skin doing weird dance in the distance. He greeted me and led me to his luxurious house, and suddenly he's wearing a white suit. He said"Have some candy", then handed me a glassball-like candy with the colour of galaxy inside. I kept it in my pocket. We talked, I tried to be nice and polite, but it angered him, he said"I thought you were a cool person when I first saw you, but you are just as boring as the others" I said"Do you wanna do something fun?", and we started 69ing together. After we finished, I left. When I got out of his house I saw a convenience store named B12, I went inside and asked the manager"Can you fix my head?" He gave me some glue and duct tape. Then my alarm rang, and my dream ended.

    Riguma Borusu

      5/7 dream holy shit

      btw B12 is a vitamin, you probably read that somewhere

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Shouldn't you cum when the 69 happened and wake up? A wet dream.


          Take half of stuff you already Take cause you fall to much.


            I had a messed up dream too .....I was walking in the street when I saw a old,abandoned building I decided to go inside and have a look it was dark and scary and I found myself in some sort of room and there were a phrase written "he is born with stealth and confusion" then I wandered around until I found an elevator which led me to the exit then I found my family and the police outside waiting for me then I woke up

            1-IceTea 🌟

              Insecure kids that want more attention but inside of him he always feel no one care for him and thus he start to distrust in all human race.


                Solid dream bro. Did u get turn on by the dude

                Not Saske

                  did you try to touch you brain? or taste it?

                  what happen with your car?

                  basement :)

                    A messed up dream is called a nightmare.

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      Do you have a close brother sister in your family?
                      Or a buddy friends,go find them and do something together with them that you enjoy.
                      Preferable activities close to nature,climb Hill,mountain tracking or if u have a good soul like me you can go to places away from city and pick up rubbish that no one will take care of,at least 5 big bag of random rubbish and throw them to a proper place.
                      Thouse activities really will heal your mental

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        This guy needs meditation. Enough dota for a week and start 69ing your friends. Go outside your house and try something else with nature.


                          Dont worry bro ull be fine soon :)


                            I live in Canada, when i go outside, there is nothing but ice, snow and rain. I'm gonna start reading some novels, that might help.


                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                Go to paws centre help some cute fluffy animals,when my mind fucked up I can't enjoy novels,I just just do things that help social.
                                I only enjoy novel when I am cool and chill.
                                But anyway you should find you way to relex your own way,don't use your handphone for as long as you can.

                                Vem Comigo

                                  Home invasion. And it's funny, I can remember the exact moment the fear began. I had just had a nightmare and gone into my parents bedroom to tell them about it. They didn't see me coming in because they were watching Prince of Tides on their bedroom TV. I couldn't bring myself to say anything, so instead I stood in their doorway quietly and watched the entire rape scene from that movie, starting at the point where the convicts were breaking in through the family's front door. I remember bursting into tears right as the second rapist was getting shot in the head. Finally, seeing that I was standing there, my dad promptly turned off the TV and brought me back to my room and beat me with jumper cables, and for years after that I was constantly worrying that convicts might show up at my front door with guns at any moment.


                                    @struggle, i was laughing madly at - They both said "k...". Reminded me of majority of dotabuff posts.

                                    Anyways solid dream mate. definitely 5/7 material!

                                    Jonas Kahnwald

                                      Comedy topic


                                        typical anxiety dream, you fear of being judged, or that you don't matter to others.

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          maybe you should consider keeping a dream journal. Maybe you have more complex dreams which you forget promply about after waking up.

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            Search lucid dream ty me later :)


                                              Someone on Reddit explained my dream to me, I usually don't believe this kind of stuff, but it kinda makes sense
                                              This is a dream rooted in identity.

                                              You have a sense of where you come from (it begins in your mother's homeland), but you are not yet sure where your future lies and thus, your sense of identity (skull) is not yet complete. It is something that you will have to determine for yourself; this is why your parents seem disinterested in your "injury" and why it is necessary for you to drive in the dream. Driving represents independence; driving your own vehicle, i.e., your own body and own life.

                                              You become confused in the dream, get diverted by a man that is actively distracting you from your quest, and you go home with him. He is energetically powerful and you find him both intimidating and fascinating. You see that he is not who he appeared to be through his change of clothing and appearance; he is dishonest, and there is a disturbing subtext here where he offers you candy. He complains that he is bored and you offer him sex. The encounter is not a healthy one; mushrooms are a symbol of harmful situation/relationship, and the path to this man was littered with "huge" mushrooms. In other words, when this person manifests in your life, there will be huge red flags. Pay attention to who you allow in your life!

                                              You may meet a man (if you haven't already), who is fascinating to you, is incredibly sexually attractive, and aggressive with seeking your affections. But if you fall for him, he could be profoundly damaging to you; he is dishonest, immoral, and may demand everything from you in a way that profoundly affects your sense of self and sense of identity....

                                              Vitamin B12 is primarily what gives us energy. You could intrepret that as life force, "chi", etc, which fits closely with the identity theme here, and with the power and energy inherent in our sexuality.

                                              After you encounter this man, and you return to your original quest, you try to take the easy way, the "convenience" store version of finding your identity, your life force, your "chi". The solution that is offered to you is unsatisfactory and insufficient.

                                              It's a very profound dream, actually, and a tremendous gift. You are messaging yourself with your own deepest truths. You are warning YOURSELF not to stray from your own quest for identity, and not to be seduced by someone who is ultimately going to be harmful to you. You are telling yourself not to take the easy way out.

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                analyzing dreams in 2017 :'(

                                                Vem Comigo

                                                  get diverted by a man that is actively distracting you from your quest, and you go home with him. He is energetically powerful and you find him both intimidating and fascinating. - 50 shades of gay


                                                    R u gay op? I only agree with the first part of the dream analysis. The other parts don't make sense tbh

                                                    Feichang Gaoxing

                                                      Great stuff

                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                        BIG mushroom

                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                          and we started 69ing together. After we finished, I left.

                                                          You were the man in that relationship.

                                                          All jokes aside very weird dream! I will have two of what you had plx!


                                                            im not gay, and i said ahead of time on reddit im a girl, so i dont have to deal with autistic kids like u guys. Well it's been at at least.


                                                              Also I bought Vitamin B-12 instead of Vitamin C (that's what I usually buy), just for good measure.


                                                                Not sure if unneeded Vitamin B12 is a good idea, since your body cannot handle too much of it properly. Apparently it result gets discarted through your skin, which result in mild acne and allergie symptoms.


                                                                  Try searching for LUCID DREAM it helps for u to not get wierd random shit while dreaming


                                                                    That alarm ringing is probably the only reason you remember your dream. People dream all kinds of bullshit throughout the night, but luckily it is mostly forgotten.

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      pix or didnt happen

                                                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                        im not gay, and i said ahead of time on reddit im a girl, so i dont have to deal with autistic kids like u guys. Well it's been at at least.

                                                                        Relax. It's a fact that the man is always the one to leave after sex. So you wore the pants.

                                                                        Kids don't know that, so chill, broh lool

                                                                        Still trippy dream.

                                                                        I had a weird dream once where I turned into a cat and saw things through cat's eyes but had human understanding and emotion. It was weird.


                                                                          Haha u shoulda said you were a girl. How could you leave out the juicy and important details


                                                                            And also no wonder you think it's fkn up. Cuz guys would've just jizzd

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              I said"Do you wanna do something fun?", and we started 69ing together. After we finished, I left.