General Discussion

General DiscussionDire neutral pull

Dire neutral pull in General Discussion

    Does anybody know how MSS pulled off the Dire offlane neutral pull with Sand King?
    I'm testing it right now in a lobby and I can't get the timing right.

    Can only manage to pull the range creep...

    Ten temat był edytowany

      hahaha u joking ?? depends on what neutral i think only range

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        0:40 only ranged neutral creeps

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Soz ranged creep

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Which game you saw they pull the whole creep wave?


              I don't remember and I haven't looked for it so far. But there are not many games in ESL with MSS playing Sand King, right?


                u time it so that you get hit by the projectile of some neutral while close to your creepwave


                  Alright, seems like it only works with the troll camp then. I guess pulling a single range creep isn't too bad either. Lets see how effective it is in my pub games